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Love Lula Beauty Box is changing & my favourite discoveries from it – Green Life In Dublin
How are all of You, I hope You are well? Most of You know that Love Lula subscription beauty box is to become a discovery box (see more on Love Lula here- no more) – and I am here for it! I also wanted to celebrate the subscription box end of an era with a selection of hits, aka my Favourite Discoveries. Shall we start?*
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Hello Lovelies, I hope You are well! Renata here showing my natural and organic lip products. A lot of them will be featured and/or swatched on my blog, so I will link those posts for Your convenience. I also have green beauty swatch gallery on my Pinterest & Facebook, so I will invite You to check those out too – I find swatches invaluable tool when choosing new products online, so I am hoping these will be helpful to You! In order of showing, here are the products I got.
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What’s in my bag – collaboration with Natural Beauty Sisters
How are You, I hope You are well? Another day, another Youtube video from me, this time What’s In My Bag one It seems like I hit the ground running with Youtube after so many years of being afraid to put myself out there – if you are an introvert, you know what I mean. Many thanks for all the warmth and support from all of You – You know who You are ?
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Sarya Couture Lip Laquers swatches & review
Sarya Couture Make up was found by two women Claudia Negru and Teodora Saguna, who wanted to create a makeup line natural and pure for the conscious woman seeking a beauty brand that she can fully rely on.
Fortunately they don’t see clean beauty as a trend, but rather becoming a standard in the industry. They believe that all women should be more conscious and responsible of what they are putting on their skin and I couldn’t agree more. I’ve been a fan since the last year (review) and I am here to report on their Organic Lip Lacquers.
Have you ever thought about what lipstick Audrey Hepburn wore? And if yes, do you want a natural alternative to it? I must admit that thought never crossed my mind until I watched Lisa Eldridge’s video about her putting Audrey’s DNA on her lips (go see her Youtube video about it) – Lisa is the last non natural Youtuber I watch, simply because I adore her personality, looks she creates and techniques she uses – and in fact she does use some natural and organic products. So while I watched the video, the lightbulb moment hit me – I knew in an instant what the natural alternative is, so instead of keeping it to myself, why I don’t blog about it to let people know? Maybe there’s a soul out there wanting the exact same thing, the Audrey Hepburn look sans the harmful chemicals that comes with it. I mean everybody knows about the lead in the conventional lipsticks many many times above the allowed limit (why is there lead in the lipstick to begin with?). If this post will help at least one person, I will be a happy (cruelty free) bunny Continue reading “Audrey Hepburn lipstick natural dupe”
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Love Lula Beauty Box March 2019
Umm, a little confession here – despite being so happy with the latest Love Lula beauty box (not one but two make up products, you people!) I am sort of late posting about it.. Insert blushing emoji here. Love Lula is the only subscription box I am getting, and I am really happy with it. I’ve been getting it close to two years now, and I have to say they do a very good job at including a good variety of products that are a delight to discover. Continue reading “Love Lula Beauty Box March 2019”
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Mother’s Day Natural Beauty Gifts Guide
So, with Mother’s day fast approaching, you might be wondering what to get that wonderful mom of yours? Let me help – I feel it’s best if I chose all products from one stop shop to save you time, and what better shop than Love Lula*? I will also keep this post short and sweet as not to take up too much of your time. I chose the products I love and believe would make a good presents. Most of them have reviews, and if they don’t, they are on the way. Existing reviews will be linked down below in the case you would love to read more in depth about products. Continue reading “Natural Mother’s Day Gifts – All From Love Lula”
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Natural and organic make up reviews and swatches – Green Life In Dublin
A quick post for today, a collection of my green beauty make up swatches (and links to the reviews where apt) I have had over a course of few years. Be prepared for way for swatches coming your way on my IG, Facebook, & Pinterest too – after spring cleaning my stash I collected all the samples I own, and instead of just throwing them away, why not be of service for all of us and post a series of natural products swatches? I myself find them crucial, because vast majority of my make up comes from online – from LoveLula, Citrine Natural Beauty Bar, GlowOrganic Brighton, PureAnada, and a few other retailers.
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Sarya Couture Makeup review
How are all of you, I hope you are well?
I had my eye on Sarya Couture MakeUp as soon as the brand appeared in Love Lula* – it is a couture cosmetics line created with the finest natural and organic ingredients, so naturally it called my name. Imagine my delight when Love Lula asked me if I’d like to try some of the products – are you guys kidding me, yes please! After a little while of testing the products, here I am with my first impressions review and a make up look. Want to know more? You are in the right place!