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Hello Lovelies, Welcome back! And welcome if You are new here xoxo

Today is making lame reels & fire cider day! Want to know more? Let me tell You all about it 🙂
Continue reading “Making Healing/ Fire Cider – Green Life In Dublin”
Green beauty and eco lifestyle blog
Hello Lovelies,
Hello Lovelies, Welcome back! And welcome if You are new here xoxo
Today is making lame reels & fire cider day! Want to know more? Let me tell You all about it 🙂
Continue reading “Making Healing/ Fire Cider – Green Life In Dublin”
Hello Lovelies,
Welcome back! And welcome if You are new here ???
Nice to see You here again! In this Monthly Recap type of posts I will let You in behind the scenes on what’s happening at Green Life In Dublin HQ, aka my living room 🙂 You will learn what products I have been getting/ testing/ using; what I am doing/ enjoying/ reading/ watching. Sounds good? Then keep on reading 🙂 Continue reading “Monthly Recap – September 2019”
Hello Lovelies
Welcome back! And welcome if you are new here xoxo
First and foremost, let me just start by saying I am not the health professional in any shape or form, I am not advising You to do or to buy anything I am mentioning here - and I won't be responsible for what You will do with this information. Consult with Your doctor or Your health practitioner before starting taking anything new. I am simply sharing what I use myself and what's working for me.
Now that we got boring-but-necessary disclaimer out of the way, shall we look into natural and holistic remedies I apply to support mine and my family’s health during the sickness season? Besides the obvious things like being outside, sports, healthy diet and such, we still get sick from time to time, because, well, there’s no barriers for bacteria and viruses to fly around? The remedies I am showing You here are tried and tested by me and my family for the last ten years or so, with the exception of OreganolP73, which I discovered about four years ago and won’t be without for as long as I will continue to live. Or god-forbid Big Pharma decides to outlaw like we have seen with so many natural remedies before.
Up vitamin C – lemon tea with honey, maybe take extra – I love Ener C, or get liposomal vitamin C. That is supposed to be miles better and highly absorbable, as it bypassed digestive system and goes straight to the cells, but I will admit I am yet to get it due to high cost. By the way, do research on optimum vitamins and mineral levels versus RDA and your life will be forever changed. Just check out DrAxe and nutritionist Patrick Holford books – when it comes to vitamin C, Patrick Holford recommends 3grams of it EVERY HOUR (as opposed to 50mg daily RDA) when you are sick! Mind blowing.
Vitamin D – turns out this sunshine vitamin is crucial for us, it is not only a vitamin but also a hormone needed for more than 300 body functions daily! Again, the optimal dose is far more than recommended daily allowance told to us. Research for Yourself and You will be blown away. It is said to work better with K2, so I go for Better You brand – it is a pleasant tasting spray, absorbed straight into the mouth. Perfect for kids, who won’t take tablets, perfect for me, with impaired liver.
Zinc – this is something that is new to me, as I haven’t taken it separately up until last year maybe. Since I learned of it’s ability to fight viruses, I stocked up on Solgar Flavo Zinc, but it tastes chalky and upsets my stomach. I am open to suggestions for good brands.
Elderberry. Proved to both protect and support your immune system and fight whatever is attacking you, shortening illness by four days! Four days people! So whether you gather it yourself & make it into syrups, get dried berries to make it into teas & syrups, get Sambucol or other brand’s good stuff, just make sure to get it into you. I stock up on Sambucol. There are other good brands out there too. Get gummies for the kids, they love them!
Manuka honey. If you haven’t heard of it, Manuka Honey is the most unique and powerful form of honey on the planet. It’s exclusive to New Zealand, created by bees who pollinate the Manuka Bush. But what makes Manuka that much better than your average honey? It’s all in the nutrient composition. Manuka honey is known as ‘active’ honey; it has natural antibacterial qualities and proven health benefits. It’s made by bees foraging from the New Zealand Manuka (tea tree) bush. Look for the Unique Manuka Factor (UMF) rating on the jar – the higher the rating, the greater the antibacterial activity. Scientists say it can help ease ulcers and an upset stomach, prevent gum disease, boost your immunity by fighting bacterial infections, and ease skin conditions. Raw honey has a multitude of beneficial nutrients: Amino acids, B-Vitamins, Copper, Iron, Magnesium, Manganese, Phosphorus, Potassium, Sodium, and Zinc to be exact. But in Manuka honey, the density of these nutrients is over four times greater than your average honey, so your body is getting a powerful dose of enzymes that fight inflammation and bacteria and boost your immune system.
For the skin, a good UMF rating means your skin will receive incredible benefits - the anti-inflammatory quality of Manuka honey is proven to improve skin texture and tone. But that's for another post :) See here for my 12 DIY Masks with manuka honey.
If you don’t want to shell out for manuka honey, please feel free to use raw local honey (preferably organic) as your next best bet. Just please do your research on different types of honeys first and then decide. Honey in the teddy shaped plastic jar? Not the best thing for your skin, as it is not only heat treated, it is mixed honey too. Meaning it is only slightly better than sugar, and it is not what you want at all.
Epsom salt/ Magnesium salt bath. Sweat. Go to bed and wrap up. You will rise like a new person.
Garlic. Organic. Crush and leave for 10 mins to activate allicin.
OreganolP73 – I have already written about this here and here, but basically it is nature’s miracle – it is a natural antibiotic, antiviral, antifungal stuff that is amazingly also antioxidant! Too good to be true? Well, in this case it is not, and if you only will take one thing out of this post, this is it! Not easy to find in the stores, you might have to get online.
You can also try Grapefruit Seed Extract, and Olive Leaf Extract as other forms of natural antibiotics. Both extracts taste vile, not going to lie, so maybe look into capsules?
That’s all for now. Please like and share this or any of my other posts on social media, it really helps to get the green beauty word out – and you will forever have my gratitude!
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Resources - books, naturopathic doctors and websites. I highly encourage You to do your own research too.