What’s in my mail – March 2025 – Green Life In Dublin

Hello Lovelies,

How are all of You, I hope You are well? Today I am going to share what came into my mail this month. You know You want to know ๐Ÿ™‚

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Clean Products Wishlist – Spring 23 – Green Life In Dublin

Hi Lovelies,

Welcome back! And welcome if You are new here xoxo

Clean Products Wishlist - Spring 23 - Green Life In Dublin
Clean Products Wishlist – Spring 23 – Green Life In Dublin

Hope all of You are well? As I mentioned in my Musings & Things post, I might be coming out with a wishlist post soon, so here I am. I finished a whole bunch of products and I am kind of stuck in between of wanting to go extremely minimalistic to buying all the new exciting goodies.

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2020 Best Series – Natural & Organic Hair & Body – Green Life In Dublin

Hi Lovelies,

Welcome back! And welcome if You are new here xoxo

2020 Best Series - Natural & Organic Hair & Body - Green Life In Dublin
2020 Best Series – Natural & Organic Hair & Body – Green Life In Dublin

Hope You are all well or well enough! Today I am sharing with You my 2020 Best Hair & Body products. If You follow me for any amount of time, it will come as no surprise to You, but if You are new here – think Rahua, Pure Anada, Bloomtown, Fushi, Living Libations and lots more. Matching YouTube video here in the case You love watching more than reading.

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What I have been buying – Natural & Organic Products – Green Life In Dublin

Hello Lovelies,

Welcome back! And welcome if You are new here xoxo

I hope You are well! Today I am showing what I have been buying lately. While I accept selected PR products, I also buy a lot of it myself, because I make a point to support indie brands and green beauty shops – we vote with our money after all. This post is exactly that, I wanted to show You what I have been buying with my own hard earned moolah. Do You want to see it? You are in the right place ๐Ÿ™‚

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Natural & Organic Fall 2020 Faves – Collab with The Natural Beauty Sisters

Hi Lovelies,

Welcome back! And welcome if You are new here xoxo

Natural % Organic Fall Favourites - Collab with Natural Beauty Sisters
Natural % Organic Fall Favourites – Collab with Natural Beauty Sisters

It is that time of the year again – favourites time, that’s it ๐Ÿ™‚ I filmed a Youtube video (not without some challenges) and as I do not like to leave things unfinished, I made a matching blog post too.

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Project Pan 2020 – Living Libations, Pai, Alteya Organic, Pure Anada & more

Hello Lovelies,

Welcome back! And welcome if you are new here xoxo

Project Pan. It is a good way to consciously use up products, especially the ones You kind of pushed aside for whatever reason, maybe something new and more exciting came into your life, maybe something quite did not work for you. As you can tell fro the photo above, today we will be talking about Ayumi, Pai, Leahlani Skincare, Pure Anada, Hurraw & Living Libations. Let’s get started?

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What’s In My Bag – YouTube Collaboration with Natural Beauty Sisters

Hi Lovelies,

Welcome back! And welcome if you are new here xoxo

What's in my bag - collaboration with Natural Beauty Sisters
What’s in my bag – collaboration with Natural Beauty Sisters

How are You, I hope You are well? Another day, another Youtube video from me, this time What’s In My Bag one ๐Ÿ™‚ It seems like I hit the ground running with Youtube after so many years of being afraid to put myself out there – if you are an introvert, you know what I mean. Many thanks for all the warmth and support from all of You – You know who You are ?

Sending love and gratitude!

Continue reading “What’s In My Bag – YouTube Collaboration with Natural Beauty Sisters”

Dutch Health Store Haul – Leahlani Skincare, Living Libations, Jeomra, Navi Organics & more

Hi Lovelies,

Welcome back! And welcome if you are new hereย  ๐Ÿ’•๐Ÿ’•๐Ÿ’•

Dutch Health Store Haul
Dutch Health Store Haul

The Best Or nothing! Donโ€™t You just love this?ย The Dutch Health Store included it in their logo for good reason โ€“ this online store does what it says, it carries only the most natural brands and products. The customer service is next to none too, see this review postย will vouch for it (27 follow up emails after postage went awry, anyone?) See thisย FB album for 20+ more posts & click that โ€œread moreโ€ button to see what I got now?

Continue reading “Dutch Health Store Haul – Leahlani Skincare, Living Libations, Jeomra, Navi Organics & more”

Shopping My Stash #5 – Natural & Organic Beauty

Hi Lovelies,

Welcome back! And welcome if You are new here xoxo

I wish You safe and well! Hope You are keeping well or at least ok in these grim days? I am not having a good week, hence the delay of the weekly post, sorry about that. For this week I have decided to revive a blog segment called Shop My Stash, as You guys seemed to like the previous ones I’d done. After finishing epic amount of stuff (here) I feel I can finally breathe a sight of relief – I got my stash where I want to to be – minimal, with every single product being used and loved, no strays taking up space and slowly expiring. Nothing like being stuck at home for weeks that blend into eternity for finishing up products, eh?

Continue reading “Shopping My Stash #5 – Natural & Organic Beauty”

What To Take On Holidays – Natural Beauty Edition

Hi Lovelies,

Welcome back! And welcome if you are new here xoxo

As you might know, I went on holidays recently – first in four years, so it was a big deal to me ๐Ÿ™‚ I asked you if you want me to post about what natural and organic products I took with me and you said yes, so this post is for you guys! I will be very honest with you here and will let you know what products ended up working and NOT working in the different climate. You see, I live in the cold, rainy and humid climate here in Ireland (hello +14*C to 20*C summers with rain daily or trice weekly at the very least. Heatwave? What heatwave?) and Mediterranean ain’t that, we all know it. So a couple of products I counted on working for me turned out complete disappointments while one other spoiled as soon as we touched down, I swear. I will also make a list of products I will take on my next holidays, while my mind is still fresh on what worked and not. Shall we get started? Continue reading “What To Take On Holidays – Natural Beauty Edition”