Naturisimo Spring Make Up Discovery Box First Impressions Review – Green Life In Dublin
How are all of You, I hope You are well? Just a quick post about something that brought me joy lately – please step forward Naturisimo Spring Make Up Discovery Box!
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Love Lula Beauty Box June 2022 reveal – Green Life In Dublin – AD
How are all of You, I hope You are well? Today I wanted to share with You the contents of June 2022 Love Lula Beauty Box. Valued at 109£ no less! Sadly it is one of the last ones, if not the last.*
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Love Lula Beauty Box
Green beauty boxes are a great way to discover new items you might have missed otherwise! I love that anything coming from LoveLula is cruelty free and guaranteed not to have any toxic ingredients – they have very strict criteria for any product they accept and that is taking the guesswork off your shoulders. This is the last Beauty Box as the subscription box as we knew it, from now on we will get discovery boxes instead. Meaning that instead of getting a surprise each month, we will be able to see what we are getting beforehand. I am here for the next chapter!*
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Love Lula order January 2021- Inika, Benecos, Kiki Health – Green Life In Dublin – AD
How are all of You, I hope Your new Year started great? Good? Me neither, but let’s distract ourselves with some good natural beauty products post, shall we?
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Zero Waste/ Low Waste Natural Make Up Faves – Youtube Collab with Tianna
Hi Lovelies! I am here showing You my low waste/ no waste natural and organic make up. This is a collaboration with beautiful fellow green beauty Youtuber Tianna, who goes by Green Beauty Glamours on IG – her video linked on my Youtbe video. Scroll all the way down to see video if You prefer videos to reading posts ?
How are all of You, I hope You are well? Today’s post will serve a few purposes, I will walk You through this natural make up look, but also talk about Clean Beauty Awards & invite the brands all over the world to join them here – entries open till 12 March 2021.
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2020 Best Series – Natural & Organic Make Up – Green Life In Dublin
How are You, I hope You are well? Today I am starting long awaited 2020 Best Products series, this time I am focusing on make up. Even though I wasn’t wearing it for much of the last year, I still have some beautiful natural products to recommend. Shall we start?