Good day Lovelies! Do you want to know where are green beauty deals, steals & discounts at? I thought so ? Click that “Read More” button below & also don’t forget to follow my FB page offers or this Pinterest board if that’s what You like better? No shame in saving game, right?
Looking for natural Vaseline alternative? You are in the right place! It is called Beeseline & it is available from Dutch Health Store, a shop I adore and highly recommend – customer service is next level and I can personally vouch for them. See this Facebook album for more Dutch Health Store posts.
Good day Lovelies! Do you want to know where are green beauty deals, steals & discounts at? I thought so 🙂 Check out below & also don’t forget to follow my FB page offers or this Pinterest board if that’s what You like better. Please make my day & follow me there too & You will have my gratitude for the whole 2020 🙂
Green Beauty Best – skincare, make up, hair care, body care
Happy 2020! I hope the new year will bring You as much happiness, health and prosperity as you can handle and then some 🙂
Just like I have done last year and the year before, I will make my 2019 posts round up, so You would have every post I’d done last year ready at Your fingertips. Shall we get started?
I am starting a new rubric on my new blog, called Monthly Deals, Steal & Discounts, where I will let you know about the deals available – anything for you lovelies! I always post on my Facebook page too, so follow me over there too – thank You in advance!
So You might know my love for Living Libations has no end to it. The quality of the products and the raw ingredients are out of this world & would satisfy even the most purists out there. I am yet to meet the Living Libations product I don’t like! I highly recommend two books Nadine Artemis has written, The Renegade Beauty & The Holistic Dental Guide – both will blow your mind. I truly feel this brand should be more well know than it is! I’ve reviewed quite a few of their products already (linked at the end of this post) and this post is a collaboration between the brand and little moi. Shall we see what I got and what I think of the products? I thought you will never ask 🙂
Welcome back! And welcome if You are new here xoxo
Living Libations Everybody Loves the Sunshine with Zinc – Beach Balm
So You probably know that bothLiving Libations and Dutch Health Store have my heart – Living Libations for making the most pure products and Dutch Health Store for not only making them available in EU but also for the most impressive customer service ever – 27 follow up emails after order postage went wrong, anyone? Today I am reviewing more amazingness in form of Everybody Loves The Sunshine With Zinc – Beach Balm. Not only it has the most amazing all natural ingredients, protects from the sun, but it also healed my dermatitis outbreak – say what??
Welcome back! And if you are new here, welcome xoxo
Living Libations Dew Dab review
How are all of you, I hope you are well? Today I am coming at you with a short and sweet review of Living Libations Dew Dab, which I was sent for review by lovely Wilma from The Dutch Health Store – who has the largest Living Libations selection in Europe. If you want to see my review of that online shop. see here, and if you want to see what I think of Living Libations dental products, where I talk about Happy Gum Drops, Ozonated Happy Gum Gel & Frankincense Toothpaste, click here and here, where I review Living Libations Wintergreen + Clean Toothpaste & Revitin Toothpaste. If you want my two cents of their haircare, True Blue Spirulina shampoo & Flowers In Her Hair Dry Shampoo, see this posthere.