How are all of You, I hope You are well? Today I wanted to share a round up of a dozen or more of DIYs I do – all easy and cheap to do. Interested? Then You are in the right place 🙂
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How are all of You, I hope You are well? Today I am here to share yet another DIY of mine, so whether You are here because You like them too or whether cost of living crisis had You searching for more affordable stuff, You are welcome. Let’s find out together? Psst, it is so easy and quick to do! Cheap, too.
Welcome back! And welcome if You are new here xoxo
How are all of You, I hope You are well? Today’s post is very exciting, at least for me. You see, I was sent an array of Nordic Beauty Awards products to test – even after a decade of blogging, this is still one of my favourite things to do! Let’s see together?
Welcome back! And welcome if You are new here xoxo
Hope all of You are well? As I mentioned in my Musings & Things post, I might be coming out with a wishlist post soon, so here I am. I finished a whole bunch of products and I am kind of stuck in between of wanting to go extremely minimalistic to buying all the new exciting goodies.
How are all of You, I hope You are good? Today I am going to combine two posts into one – Monthly Musings and New In type of posts. Hope You like the two together, I will be able to brief You in in what’s going on behind the scenes and what new products I am getting in.
Welcome back! And welcome if You are new here xoxo
How are all of You, I hope You are well? Today I am coming at You with another Friday Fave – please step forward English Mineral Make Up Company! Loved the brand for years, the foundation never left my Yearly Faves & All The Time Favourites list since 2015 – coming from a beauty blogger that’s saying something!
How are all of You, I hope You are well? Today’s post is for those of You who love empties posts – I feel it is important to show You that the products I use and the products I review are the same. Sounds a bit confusing, but let me explain.
Hello Lovelies, how are all of You, I hope You are all good? Today I will talk about new (to me) products that came into my life. I know You want a peak, so let’s dive in?
How are You, I hope You are well? Today’s post has been inspired by French green beauty blogger & Youtube bourrique where she talks about consumption, having to post good quality content on the regular, finding her place in the clean beauty world & more. This topic has been on my mind for months now and I think it is time to voice it. So here it is – I am quiet quitting overconsumption, pressure and most importantly, bending my own real life to accommodate algorithms! There, I said it.