Naturisimo Spring Make Up Discovery Box First Impressions Review – Green Life In Dublin

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Naturisimo Spring Make Up Discovery Box First Impressions Review - Green Life In Dublin
Naturisimo Spring Make Up Discovery Box First Impressions Review – Green Life In Dublin

How are all of You, I hope You are well? Just a quick post about something that brought me joy lately – please step forward Naturisimo Spring Make Up Discovery Box!

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Shopping My Stash #8 – DrHauschka, Pure Anada, Ere Perez, Living Libations & more


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Shopping My Stash #8 - DrHauschka, Pure Anada, Ere Perez, Living Libations & more
Shopping My Stash #8 – DrHauschka, Pure Anada, Ere Perez, Living Libations & more

How are all of You, I hope You are well? It’s been a while since I shopped my stash & shared it with You, so this is exactly what I am going to do.

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Musings & Things – Irish Independent feature, Amazingy, Evolve, Dutch Health Store & more

Hello Lovelies,

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What's in my mail - February 23 - Green Life In Dublin
Musings & Things – Irish Independent feature, Amazingy order & more

How are You all, I hope You are all right? How is April treating You this year? We have snow! I can’t believe it.. Anyways, let me fill You in what’s happening in Green Life In Dublin HQ behind the scenes – feature in Irish Independent and all.

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Irish Independent, Natural Deodorants & Me – Green Life In Dublin

Hi Lovelies,

Welcome back! And welcome if You are new here xo

Irish Independent, Natural Deodorants & Me - Green Life In Dublin
Irish Independent, Natural Deodorants & Me – Green Life In Dublin

How are all of You, I hope You are good? Irish Independent inquired about the natural deodorants I recommend and then featured me in the article. I died. But now I am recovered & ready to talk more about it 🙂

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Clean Beauty Favourites Collaboration Spring 2023 – by Clean Beauty Loves

Hi Lovelies,

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Hope all of You are well? Today let me present You with a surprise blog post, Clean Beauty Favourites Collaboration Spring 2023. I am collaborating with Lu from Clean Beauty Loves and she is guest posting on my blog.

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Easy and affordable DIYs I do – Green Life In Dublin

Hi Lovelies,

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Easy and affordable DIYs I do - Green Life In Dublin
Easy and affordable DIYs I do – Green Life In Dublin

How are all of You, I hope You are well? Today I wanted to share a round up of a dozen or more of DIYs I do – all easy and cheap to do. Interested? Then You are in the right place 🙂

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How I DIY body oil – easy & affordable – Green Life In Dublin

Hello Lovelies,

Welcome back! And welcome if You are new here xoxo

How I DIY body oil - easy & affordable - Green Life In Dublin
How I DIY body oil – easy & affordable – Green Life In Dublin

How are all of You, I hope You are well? Today I am here to share yet another DIY of mine, so whether You are here because You like them too or whether cost of living crisis had You searching for more affordable stuff, You are welcome. Let’s find out together? Psst, it is so easy and quick to do! Cheap, too.

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Reviewing Nordic Natural Beauty Awards 2022 winners – Green Life In Dublin

Hello Lovelies,

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Reviewing Nordic Natural Beauty Awards 2022 winners - Green Life In Dublin
Reviewing Nordic Natural Beauty Awards 2022 winners – Green Life In Dublin

How are all of You, I hope You are well? Today’s post is very exciting, at least for me. You see, I was sent an array of Nordic Beauty Awards products to test – even after a decade of blogging, this is still one of my favourite things to do! Let’s see together?

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Clean Products Wishlist – Spring 23 – Green Life In Dublin

Hi Lovelies,

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Clean Products Wishlist - Spring 23 - Green Life In Dublin
Clean Products Wishlist – Spring 23 – Green Life In Dublin

Hope all of You are well? As I mentioned in my Musings & Things post, I might be coming out with a wishlist post soon, so here I am. I finished a whole bunch of products and I am kind of stuck in between of wanting to go extremely minimalistic to buying all the new exciting goodies.

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Musings & Things – March 23 – Green Life In Dublin

Hi Lovelies,

Welcome back! And welcome if You are new here xo

What's in my mail - February 23 - Green Life In Dublin
Musings & Things 23 – Green Life In Dublin

How are all of You, I hope You are good? Today I am going to combine two posts into one – Monthly Musings and New In type of posts. Hope You like the two together, I will be able to brief You in in what’s going on behind the scenes and what new products I am getting in.

Continue reading “Musings & Things – March 23 – Green Life In Dublin”