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Green beauty and eco lifestyle blog
Hi Lovelies,
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Continue reading “Anti-flu bomb with turmeric, garlic and ginger”
Hi Lovelies,
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How are all of You? I hope 2019 is treating You well so far?
Idea for today’s post came via Love Lula Natural Beauty Club post, 5 Best Natural Beauty Products of 2018 of Live Naturally N (see her post here) and that got me thinking – how many of my Holy Grail Products of 2018 actually came from Love Lula? You can see my blogger recommendations here, but as life doesn’t stand still, my Holy Grail product change over time too, due to many different reasons – the brands sell out, products change in formulations, stop working or are no longer stocked by Love Lula. If You want to know my Love Lula* Loves too, You are in the right place 🙂 Continue reading “My Best Love Lula 2018 Products”
Hi Lovelies,
Welcome back! And welcome, if you are new here xoxo
So it is that time of the year, wonderful time of the year, my favourite time of the year – Green Beauty Yearly Favourites time of the year. If Green Life In Dublin Green Beauty Awards existed, these would be it! So let’s get started, shall we? We all know I love to talk and to review good products, so majority of them will have reviews either on their own, or as part of Favourites posts – so be sure to hit that search box either here or in my previous blog with 400+ posts here. Just a reminder, my skin is dry, uber sensitive and dermatitis prone. Hair is thin, but lots of it, with a sensitive scalp to boot. Lucky girl, I know 🙂
(Full disclosure, some, but not all, of the links are affiliate links, and IÂ thank You for using them - they are at no extra cost to you as a consumer. All products mentioned here are tested thoroughly by me, and truly my Holy Grail products - I would never recommend anything that isn't my true favourite. Some of the products date back for years and haven't left my Yearly Favourites for well, years! I also want to point out that Google collects data while you browse my blog, but I think we all know that at this point.
My Holy Grail skincare line, see review here.
*Update on why I no longer stand by this brand, even though I still think their products are fantastic here, scroll down to the very end.
Holy Grail prior discovering Bella Aura, but still a Hero in winters due to richness, when the temps really drop. See review here.
All amazing for different reasons, but I LOVE them equally. Mahalo has a review here, all others are still waiting their turn. After being a face oil fiend for years and years, I had to give them up due to developing dermatitis (which hates oils) but I still add them for winter, when my skin isn’t coping very well on it’s own in the harsh elements.
Please let me explain why I chose these balms that are both uber expensive – it is purely because I need all the healing help I can get with my dermatitis, which sometimes flares up for no apparent reason, and blue tansy, which is present in both products, seems to be the magic that heals my skin. It is my face after all! While Mahalo Rare Indigo is a firm fave for the last three years (just check my 2017 & 2016 Favourites posts), I wanted to change things up a bit this year and purchased Blue Cocoon, which seems to be equally impressive. Pricy as they are, both jars last a year, which makes me justify the price point for them. I see more blue balms popping here and there, so I intend to try more of them out.
All seriously the best from what I have tried.
Kimberly Sayer is what I used for the last four years or so, but it might be overthrown by the next two, which are newer discoveries, but oh-so-impressive. I’ll talk about them soon. W3LL People, if you are reading this, come back to EU! I’ll campaign to make it happen if I’ll need to!
Green Life In Dublin Best Bodycare Products |
Nyr cream is a good all rounder, but Kiss The Moon is a must in winter!
Green Life In Dublin Best Haircare |
All of them are long standing favourites!
Green Life In Dublin Favourite Products |
I hope this was in any way interesting and/or helpful to you, and if it leads to at least one person finding a good product, then my work is done. Please be on the lookout for the reviews of many of these products, and let me know your favourites as well, so I could check them out!
If anyone’s interested you can check my 2017 Yearly Favourites here and 2016 ones here.
Enjoy my content? AÂ tip into my PayPal Tip Jar -Â will get You my eternal gratitude and more awesome green beauty reviews Your way! I weed out all the greenwashing products so You won't have to.
Hello Lovelies,
Welcome back! And if you are new here, welcome ???
Today I thought to share all posts from 2018, all 70 of them in one place – purely for your convenience! Some of you might now I blog for years, some of you won’t, so I thought to round up all the reviews in one convenient place – shall we get started?
Continue reading “My 2018 Posts Round Up – Natural & Organic Beauty”
Hello Lovelies,
Welcome back! And welcome if you are new here xoxo
One of my last posts this year is the post I think all of you going to enjoy – mine and a few fellow green beauty blogger’s Christmas Wishlists! I did one last year (see here) so I am continuing it as a beautiful tradition 🙂
P.S. I will link to everyone’s Instagram pages, so please make sure to hop over there and give these wonderful ladies a follow! Sharing green beauty love all around, and it feels so good. Continue reading “Green Beauty Blogger’s Christmas Wishlist”
Hello Lovelies,
Welcome back! And if you are new here, welcome xoxo
If you want to know what I got this Black Friday this year, you are in the right place. This year I didn’t do Black Friday sales round up for all the EU & UK online shops and brands post like I did last year, I decided I am against mindless consumerism. However, having said that, I did spend a lot of money myself – it was all on the good stuff that I know suits my super sensitive skin, but the total is still eye wateringly high, and I don’t want to add up totals just yet. Head in the sand method works just fine for now, thanking you 🙂
Hi Lovelies,
Welcome back! And if you are new here, welcome xoxo
Hope You are all well and enjoying various exciting activities leading up to Christmas? Today I am coming at you with a review of three body oils by a wonderful UK brand Inner Senses. They captured my attention since the very start of the launch some years ago, and they are still one of my favourite products to this date – mark my words to see them in my upcoming 2018 Best Products post.
Continue reading “Inner Senses Organic Beauty & Wellbeing Body Oils Review”
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Today I am coming at you with a review of Rahua Voluminous Shampoo. If you want to hear my opinion and experience with it, you are in the right place 🙂
Welcome back! And welcome, if you are new here xoxo
Today I am coming with a post about my Love Lula* picks – I am a happy member of Love Lula blogger family, so I have a opportunity to choose products to review, and this is what I chose for this month.
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In my near decade of blogging I have never asked anything of you, my lovely readers, but now I will – could you please take a minute (not even that, a few seconds) of your time to vote for me in #UKBA19 awards?
All you have to do is click a heart next to my blog, Green Life In Dublin, which can be found in the second row.
Please click here to vote – and MANY MANY THANKS  ?