Love Lula Picks & Reviews – June 2019 [AD]

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Bloomtown products review
Bloomtown products review

How are you, I hope you are well? If you are looking for a Bloomtown products review, you are in the right place, let’s get started 🙂 Continue reading “Love Lula Picks & Reviews – June 2019 [AD]”

Summer Solstice Favourites – Collaboration with Laura Bruj

Hi Lovelies,

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How are all of You, I hope You are great? Today is the day I will share my early summer 2019 favourites in collaboration with the ever fabulous fellow green beauty blogger Laura Bruj. You should go and check her out (I will leave all the links at the end of this post) and you will be glad you did – she is US green beauty blogger who is making waves into the right direction, she focuses on all things plastic free, sustainable, natural and as much waste free as possible, and is not afraid to call out greenwashing brands. You just got to love her for it. But wait, there is more – she is also a Youtuber (again, find the link at the end of this post) and she is so good with make up that she is making me all jel – a green beauty chameleon for sure. You just have to scroll her IG page to see for herself.

Let’s see my current favourites now and go see Laura’s favourites straight after? Done deal 🙂

Continue reading “Summer Solstice Favourites – Collaboration with Laura Bruj”

Evolve Climate Veil Tinted SPF20 Review [AD]

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Hope you are all well? Today I will be reviewing the new natural SPF kid on the block – step forward Evolve Climate Veil Tinted SPF20 In Light – Medium*. If you want to know my thoughts on it, you are in the right place, let’s get started! Find more reviews at the end of this post.

Continue reading “Evolve Climate Veil Tinted SPF20 Review [AD]”

Audrey Hepburn lipstick natural dupe

Hi Lovelies,

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Have you ever thought about what lipstick Audrey Hepburn wore? And if yes, do you want a natural alternative to it? I must admit that thought never crossed my mind until I watched Lisa Eldridge’s video about her putting Audrey’s DNA on her lips (go see her Youtube video about it) – Lisa is the last non natural Youtuber I watch, simply because I adore her personality, looks she creates and techniques she uses – and in fact she does use some natural and organic products. So while I watched the video, the lightbulb moment hit me – I knew in an instant what the natural alternative is, so instead of keeping it to myself, why I don’t blog about it to let people know? Maybe there’s a soul out there wanting the exact same thing, the Audrey Hepburn look sans the harmful chemicals that comes with it. I mean everybody knows about the lead in the conventional lipsticks many many times above the allowed limit (why is there lead in the lipstick to begin with?). If this post will help at least one person, I will be a happy (cruelty free) bunny 🙂 Continue reading “Audrey Hepburn lipstick natural dupe”

Love Lula May Beauty Box Reveal & Review – May 2019 [AD]

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Love Lula Beauty Box May 2019 - Reveal & Review
Love Lula Beauty Box May 2019 – Reveal & Review

Continue reading “Love Lula May Beauty Box Reveal & Review – May 2019 [AD]”

Love Lula Picks & Reviews – May 2019 [AD]

Hi Lovelies,

Welcome back! And welcome if you are new here xoxo

Ayumi products
Ayumi products

How are all of you? I hope you are well? First of all, I want to say Thank You Love Lula – you must have read my mind and fulfilled my wishes before I even asked!  Continue reading “Love Lula Picks & Reviews – May 2019 [AD]”

18 Natural & Organic 2018 Favourites I Still Use Daily

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Natural & Organic products, the best products, natural beauty, clean beauty, green life in dublin
18 Natural & Organic Favourites

How are all of you, I hope life is treating you well? I’ve been thinking about my favourite products lately and which ones are long standing ones, and I have came up with a blog post on the spot – let’s see my ride or die favourites from 2018 still used daily today?

Continue reading “18 Natural & Organic 2018 Favourites I Still Use Daily”