Green Life In Dublin loves Living Libations Sea Buckthorn Best Skin Ever [AD]

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Green Life In Dublin loves Living Libations Sea Buckthorn Best Skin Ever [AD]
Green Life In Dublin loves Living Libations Sea Buckthorn Best Skin Ever [AD]
Hope life is treating You well, as much as possible? You guys know Living Libations & Dutch Health Store have my heart (check this FB album for 20+ reviews & posts if you don’t). I defy you to read any of their products ingredients list and Not To Fall In Love with it! Nadine is a true visionary and committed to provide the most natural products & essential oils there is. Everything is as organic as possible, wildcrafted, raw as much as it is possible, reef safe, beyond fair trade, gluten free, GMO free, food grade, synthetic free and animal friendly – if that does not make your heart sing, I don’t know what will!
Today I will be reviewing one of their Best Skin Ever oils, pretty much what Living Libations is famous for. Well, if Goop sells it and Caroline Hirons has a separate review on it, you can pretty much assume it has made it!

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Natural Vitamins & Supplements I take – YouTube Collaboration

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Natural Supplements I take
Natural Supplements I take

Got wind in my sails today, not only I published a post earlier today, now I am filming a Youtube video for You guys on what natural supplements I take. Think Solgar, Better You, Kiki Health, Ener C, Fushi Naturals, medicinal mushrooms, baobab powder, all kinds of fun stuff. Shall we see?

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Evolve Organic Beauty Bio Retinol + C Skin Booster Review [AD]

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Evolve Organic Beauty Bio Retinol + C Skin Booster Review
Evolve Organic Beauty Bio Retinol + C Skin Booster Review

You probably already know my love for Evolve Organic Beauty brand. If not, hit up the search button for quite a few raving reviews of its products. This is going to be no exception, I have nothing but good things to say about their new release, Bio Retinol + C Skin Booster serum. Not too sure how, but the brand continues to impress me time and time again – and that’s a tall order! Shall we get into the details?

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Love Lula Blogger Picks – Fair Squared, Khadi, Kiki Health [AD]

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Love Lula Blogger Picks - Fair Squared, Kiki Health, Khadi
Love Lula Blogger Picks – Fair Squared, Kiki Health, Khadi

Reason #23589 I 💕 Love Lula* – You can get so many different things from it – from natural & organic cosmetics to zero waste body/ hair care to sustainable every day use items (bamboo straws, toothbrushes, cotton washcloths anyone?) to your healthier period products. Yes really! See this FB album for 100 Love Lula related posts 🙂

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What’s in my post? Blogger & personal haul July 2020

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What's in my post
What’s in my post – Green Life In Dublin

Hope life is treating You well? Today I will share with you what’s new in my stash, what have I been sent & purchased myself this month, hope You fill find it interesting and/or helpful.  Think Ere Perez, Inika, Terra Verdi, Evolve Organic Beauty, Earth Kind, Natural Wisdom Spa & more. All of these products are new to me, to they will be going into “Test Kitchen” side of the shelfie, and if You want to know what products I have been loving recently, You can check my latest post or YouTube video here – why, yes, I am freshly baked Youtuber now 🙂

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Natural & Organic Empties July 2020

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natural and organic july empties 2020
natural and organic july 2020 empties

Time for monthly empties! A necessary evil if you will – feels so good to be finishing products down to the very last drop, but such a drag to put these posts together.. The blogger in me wants to be onto the next best thing at all times, but it is also important to show people that the products I am reviewing are the same products I am using. Shall we get into it?


Inika Bold Lash Mascara

Talk about one of the best, if not THE BEST of natural mascaras in the industry! I love love Inika for various different reasons, clean ingredients, great formulas, Chanel-esque packaging that rivals any conventional brand, wide range of appealing colours of products, Nars Orgasm natural dupe blush – yes, really! Step forward Peachy Keen blush (post). You can also see full brand overview here. Let’s come back to this mascara, shall we? I have heard criticism of high price point of it, but hear me out, let me explain why I deem it worth every penny. I am not sure if You know that my clean beauty journey started a decade ago & let me tell you, I have come across plenty of disappointing mascaras – most of them flake, sting the eyes like crazy & run at the first sight of rain or tear – this is none of those things. It gives lots of length & volume, it never flakes (unless it is more than 4m old, do not try this at home kids!) and despite having the most sensitive eyes, I never experienced any irritations. Every time I was tempted to try cheaper mascara, I ended up disappointed, so I kind of made the decision to end up my quest to try all the natural mascaras available. I mean, what’s the point if I already know this is my Holy Grail? And did I mention it is natural, vegan and cruelty free?

*this particular one didn’t last as long as all the others I’ve had, but having solid positive experience with it for many years, I will not hold against it & simply get another one. I am not giving up on the products easily, I have used two tubes of Lily Lolo mascara before reviewing it, and gave 100% Pure multiple and multiple chances before giving up on them because of inconsistency in quality, find the picture of my hand holding like 10 mascaras waaayy down on my IG feed if you want to know more.

Jane Iredale Lash Serum

This is amazing product & I think I ought to review it separately! Not only it makes any (crappy) mascara look amazing, conditions lashes, but get this – it stops flaking in the tracks, a problem with so many natural mascaras out there. Most definitely a repurchase.

Theraneem Neem Mouthwash


Yogi Throat Comfort Tea

Umm, all of those things are Holy Grail status in our casa, repurchased time and time again. See this post below on my Natural Medicine Cabinet. I shall replenish my stash very soon.

Related - my Natural Medicine Cabinet 

EcoEgg Natural Washing refill pellets

This is what I use to wash clothes for my family for many years, it was time for a pellets change. Let me know it You want a separate post on how I do my laundry? I would be happy to put together for you.


Just FIY up front, nothing wrong with these products or formulas, it’s just I’ve been Marie Kondo-ing my stash with an aim to have only one open product in any given category, bar make up.

AnnMarie Gianni Neroli Toning Mist

Meta Pora Hydrating Mist

Absolutely nothing wrong with either mists, it’s simply a classic blogger mistake of (accidentally) acquiring too much facial mists at once. Both of them came from Live In The Light online shop, which is a UK online shop with uber strict selecting criteria and very very natural products – and that’s why I love them a lot. See around 10 posts I’d done for them below.

Live In The Light reviews



nothing for this month, yipee!

Random but not really:






That’s it for today, thanks for reading! Have a great day & I will see you here next Tuesday, my posting day ?


Lots of Love,



Green Life In Dublin - green beauty & eco lifestyle blog
Green Life In Dublin – green beauty & eco lifestyle blog

Natural & Organic Summer 2020 Favourites – Youtube collab with Laura Bruj

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Natural & Organic Summer 2020 Faves collaboration
Natural & Organic Summer 2020 Faves collaboration

Hope You are all well & enjoying this summer as much as possible! Although it does not come naturally, I posted a YouTube video again, a Summer Favourites collaboration with my fellow green beauty sister from across the pond – Laura Bruj. She is awesome, you should check her out 🙂 She will be posting natural make up, I am talking about everything else, like skincare, body care, hair care, health & wellness, that kind of stuff. If you are interested, you can keep reading here or see my video here – whichever you prefer better ?

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My 20+ Forever Repurchases From Love Lula

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20+ Forever Repurchases from Love Lula
20+ Forever Repurchases from Love Lula

Hope life is treating you well and you are enjoying summer! Today I ordered both my blogger and personal order from Love Lula* (it is important to me to support brands and businesses I believe in) and I got thinking what products I purchased from Love Lula time and time again? Turns out more than 20 and counting!  Check out this FB album for over 111 Love Lula related posts and reviews. My love for this wonderful online store runs deep!
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Natural & Organic Empties – June 2020

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Natural & Organic June 2020 Empties - Green Life In Dublin
Natural & Organic June 2020 Empties – Green Life In Dublin

Time for monthly empties! A necessary evil if you will – feels so good to be finishing products down to the very last drop, but such a drag to put these posts together.. The blogger in me wants to be onto the next best thing at all times, but it is also important to show people that the products I am reviewing are the same products I am using. Shall we get into it?

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Love Lula Beauty Boxes Unboxing [AD]


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Love Lula Beauty Box
Love Lula Beauty Box

Hope life is treating you well and you are enjoying summer! Today I am posting a Love Lula beauty Box* (two, actually) unboxing . Who wants to see what natural treasures I will unearth from Love Lula Beauty Box? Check out this FB album for nearly 90 Love Lula related posts and reviews. My love for this wonderful online store runs deep!

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