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Balade En Provence review – Green Life In Dublin
How are all of You, I hope You are well or well enough? Today I want to talk about the zero waste vegan beauty brand from France, called Balade En Provence. Shall we begin?
Judging for Clean Beauty Awards 2021 – Green Life In Dublin
I am very happy to announce I’m judging for @certclean #CleanBeautyAwards again, making it third year in a row! These awards are crucial for us customers sorting the good natural products from the bad, because let’s face it, not every clean product works, plus there’s thorny greenwashing issue. This is where Clean Beauty Awards come in – they recognize the best performing beauty and personal care products from around the globe, made without any harmful chemicals. The products are judged by competent panel of green beauty influencers and advocates, including yours truly. We all come together to determine the best performing natural products on the market today. The mission is simple – to accelerate the growth of clean beauty movement and make safe skincare the new norm. This makes my heart sing! This year the Awards had unprecedented amount of brands and products entering, I am excited ? Bring it on!
That’s all for now, I will update You once I will get my judging box. I will also keep You posted on my judging journey on my social media, so keep an eye on that in the next upcoming weeks. I am thinking of IG stories, but I might do Youtube video or mention in another type of video. We will see.
Looks like I got selected for the body and face oil categories, as well as eye shadows. Posted everything on Instagram, see below.
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Clean Beauty Spring 2021 Favourites – Green Life In Dublin
From empties to new products, time for Spring Favourites 🙂 I am collaborating with the same fabulous green beauty sisters Lu from A Life Of Lovely, Bryanna from The Ecological, but I also invited one more special guest this time – Lola from 2 Mums Views Discover Green Beauty. All happen to be Love Lula bloggers, so this should be fun! Let’s get started?
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Clean Beauty New In – Blogger & Personal Mail – March 21
From empties to new goodies, it is only natural, right? In this post I want to show You what I ordered + got PR in the month of March. I know You want to peek, so let’s get into it? Think Dutch Health Store, Love Lula, health food store order, Gluten Free Bible + more. About half of it was bought with my own hard earned moolah, I make a point of supporting the brands and shops I love.
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Natural & Organic March 21 Empties – Green Life In Dublin
Empties. Love finishing products down to the last drop, but not posting about them for some reason. But! You guys love them & have asked me to continue to post them – this is for You. I love being of service to my readers & if You find value in these posts, I will keep them up. This year I am also adding totals, both in quantity of products & value – although I am not to sure I want to face them 🙂
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Shopping My Stash #6 – Alteya Organics, Living Libations & Evolve Organic Beauty
How are all of you, I hope You are OK? Spring is the perfect time to clean and refresh everything, including our skincare stashes, isn’t it? I went through it and this is what I pulled out to use and use up in the next few weeks. With so many new goodies coming in, I sometimes get caught up in testing it and need to remind myself to go back to my tried and tested products, which is most if not all products You see in this photo. Welcome back to the front row seat Alteya Organics, Living Libations, DrHauschka and Evolve Organic Beauty! Continue reading “Shopping My Stash #6 – Alteya Organics, Living Libations & Evolve Organic Beauty”
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English Mineral Make Up Review & Swatches- Ad – Green Life In Dublin
How are all of You, I hope You are well? Today I am coming at You with a review of English Mineral Make Up. If you want my review in one word, it is LOVE! If you want more details, You are in the right place. Swatches too – I hope You will find them helpful!
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Natural & organic empties – February 21 – Green Life In Dublin
Empties! Feels good to finish products to the last drop, but a drag to post about them at the end of the day. But! You guys love it, so I am dutifully serving my followers. Let’s see what I used up this month? This year I am also adding up the costs, something I *might* regret already 🙂 Not too sure I am ready to face to totals I am spending on my beauty 🙂
How are all of You, I hope You are well? Today’s post will serve a few purposes, I will walk You through this natural make up look, but also talk about Clean Beauty Awards & invite the brands all over the world to join them here – entries open till 12 March 2021.
After one too many DMs answering Your questions what products and brands from iHerb I recommend, I blogged about them here. While browsing my lists and order history, I fell down the rabbit hole of browsing to store to no end and compiling various lists. Be sure to watch the sales, because they happen a lot there & also use CDI1500 to save further if it’s Your 1st order.