How are all of You, I hope You are well? In the case You have missed my last post, I have created a bunch of Green Life In Dublin Does Various Things pages (explanation and the links below) and this is one of them – my March Bullet Journal spread. What’s a bullet journal You ask? Let me explain 🙂
Welcome back! And welcome if You are new here xoxo
More content & new IG pages – Green Life In Dublin
How are all of You, I hope You are well? Today’s post is going to be short and sweet, I am just going to let You know that I created a few more IG pages to sort my content a bit more – blogging since 2009, so I want to catalogue the work I’d done, instead of it being one unorganized pile 🙂 Besides we are all multi dimensional people, including moi, so naturally I have more than one passion I want to blog about. Shall we see?
If anything tickles Your fancy, I would appreciate if You followed any or all of my pages. They are all empty for now, apart from Green Life In Dublin Eats, but as I am just one girl with limited time, please allow me some time to fill those pages in. I will also update them as I go along, for example I am currently brainstorming mocktails (supercharged with superfoods, no less!) recipes (nothing post worthy just yet) and I am about to crochet soap/ solid shampoo saver hanging basket. I will also comb through my old posts to sort them and post into pages accordingly. But one thing is I am really not sure about is how I am going to manage all of them. Am I committing SEO suicide? Do let me know!
Welcome if You are back! And welcome if You are new here xoxo
Love Lula order January 2021- Inika, Benecos, Kiki Health – Green Life In Dublin – AD
How are all of You, I hope Your new Year started great? Good? Me neither, but let’s distract ourselves with some good natural beauty products post, shall we?
Sustainably sourced crystals? Family owned business that gives back? Yes please! If You are a lover of crystals, crystal jewelry, reiki & all things vibrational & metaphysical, You will love this post. Today I will review Earth Family Crystals. Let’s dive in?
Monthly Musings – New Year Resolutions, New Reads & Send Prayers To My Dad
How are You, I hope this new year is treating You well? I am bringing back Monthly Musings post series where I will talk about all things that are not beauty reviews, in this post I am talking about New Year Resolutions (but not in a way that we know it), crystals, books, Clean Beauty Awards, Gratitude & also ask You to send prayers to my dad!
Welcome back! And welcome if You are new here xoxo
Natural & Organic Empties & Totals – November – December 2021
How are all of You, I hope You are well? If You enjoy empties posts, then this is for You! There’s one thing I myself won’t be enjoying though – adding up the costs. I started tracking the costs this year and oh boy, it has been a real eye opener.