Why I no longer shop Black Friday sales – Green Life In Dublin

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Why I no longer shop Black Friday sales - Green Life In Dublin
Why I no longer shop Black Friday sales – Green Life In Dublin

Hope life is treating You well. Quick post to explain why I decided not to participate in Black Friday sales from now on. After long thinking sesh I came to realize it creates mindless consumerism, benefits no one except big corporations and puts pressure on small brands and businesses to discount heavily when they can’t really afford to – all while struggling to keep surviving after excruciating last three years.

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Reacting to my first ever Favourites post – Autumn 16

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Reacting to my first ever Favourites post - Autumn 16
Reacting to my first ever Favourites post – Autumn 16

How are all of You, I hope You are well? After a bit of reset I am back to blogging with a fun post – reacting to my first ever FAVOURITES post. At least I am hoping it will be fun, I haven’t read it yet myself and I obviously can’t remember what I wrote in 2016. Btw, many thanks to all of You who sent links and helpful info on healing Lyme disease – You know who You are!

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Natural Make Up Look with Pure Anada Delicate Compact Palette [AD]

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Natural Make Up Look with Pure Anada Delicate Compact Palette [AD]
Natural Make Up Look with Pure Anada Delicate Compact Palette [AD]
Dreamy and romantic make up look for summer’s hot weather? Say no more!
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Green Life In Dublin Loves Fushi Wellbeing Shea Butters

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Green Life In Dublin Loves Fushi Wellbeing Shea Butters
Green Life In Dublin Loves Fushi Wellbeing Shea Butters

Good news all around! I am happy dancing because I was asked to join @fushiwellbeing family & I am very happy to announce I now have 20% [aff] code for You to save 20% off Your entire order – it is “GREENLIFEINDUBLIN, redeemable at http://fushiwelbeing.com/greenlifeindublin

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Evolve Organic Beauty Hydrate & Protect Facial Cream First Impressions Review – Green Life In Dublin

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Evolve Organic Beauty Hydrate & Protect Facial Cream First Impressions Review - Green Life In Dublin
Evolve Organic Beauty Hydrate & Protect Facial Cream First Impressions Review – Green Life In Dublin

How are all of You, I hope You are well? Today I will be (first impressions) reviewing something that’s just hot off the press – please step forward Evolve Organic Beauty newest product, Hydrate & Protect Facial Cream! Interested in my thoughts on it? You are in the right place.

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Love Lula Beauty Box May 2022 – Ad – Green Life In Dublin


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Love Lula Beauty Box
Love Lula Beauty Box

Green beauty boxes are a great way to discover new items you might have missed otherwise! I love that anything coming from LoveLula is cruelty free and guaranteed not to have any toxic ingredients – they have very strict criteria for any product they accept and that is taking the guesswork off your shoulders. This is the last Beauty Box as the subscription box as we knew it, from now on we will get discovery boxes instead. Meaning that instead of getting a surprise each month, we will be able to see what we are getting beforehand. I am here for the next chapter!*

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If I were interviewed for Imperfectly Natural Woman – Green Life In Dublin

Hi Lovelies,

If I were interviewed for Imperfectly Natural Woman - Green Life In Dublin
If I were interviewed for Imperfectly Natural Woman – Green Life In Dublin

Welcome back! And welcome if You are new here, I hope You are all right?

The book You are seeing in the picture is the book that propelled me into natural beauty and lifestyle journey about 15 years ago. I can’t thank Janey Lee Grace enough for it (see interview with her here), I talked about this book for years and I gave it away for my first ever giveaway. I also lent it to all of my friends, meaning I had to buy it four times (more on it later). I still take it out to re-read it from time to time and this is where the idea struck me. What if I were to answer the questions Janey asks various people in the book?

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Slow Fashion Chronicles April 22 – Green Life In Dublin Wears

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Slow Fashion Chronicles April 22 – Green Life In Dublin Wears
Slow Fashion Chronicles April 22 – Green Life In Dublin Wears

How are all of You, I hope You are well? Today I will be coming at You with a short and sweet update on my Slow Fashion Chronicles, purchases update and totals of money spent too. I gave myself 600€ clothing budget for a year, let’s see where I am at?

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English Mineral Make Up Eye Pigment Naturals Collection swatches & first impressions – Green Life In Dublin

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English Mineral Make Up Eye Pigment Naturals Collection swatches & first impressions - Green Life In Dublin
English Mineral Make Up Eye Pigment Naturals Collection swatches & first impressions – Green Life In Dublin

How are all of You, I hope You are well? Today I am coming at You with swatches and first impressions review of more products from a brand I absolutely adore – please step forward English Mineral Make Up Company & their new(ish) release Eye Pigment Collections. Short video showcasing them & 10% discount at the end of the post. Let’s get started? I thought You would never ask 🙂

Continue reading “English Mineral Make Up Eye Pigment Naturals Collection swatches & first impressions – Green Life In Dublin”