Clean Products Wishlist – Spring 23 – Green Life In Dublin
How are all of You, I hope You are having better summer than we do here in Ireland? After two nice weeks in June we are back to 15’C with daily rain showers for weeks now. Summer, where are though? Anyway. While I am busy with major life changes, I will tell You the story I had in my drafts, on how I became green beauty blogger and why I do what I do. Shall we get started?
Welcome back! And welcome if You are new here xoxo
Seven Secrets of Wellbeing – Green Life In Dublin
How are all of You, I hope You are well? So, I have fell down the road of read-apalooza on The Beauty Bible’s website and one section seemed to catch my attention more than the rest. It’s called Seven Secrets Of Wellbeing. It’s where various famous women are asked to spill their wellbeing secrets. Not that I am famous or anything, but just like I did self interview myself for Janey Lee Grace’s book, I am doing the same here. Because that’s how I roll 🙂 Having read enough of them to inspire my own version, I am spilling my seven secrets to staying well.
Naturisimo Spring Make Up Discovery Box First Impressions Review – Green Life In Dublin
How are all of You, I hope You are well? Just a quick post about something that brought me joy lately – please step forward Naturisimo Spring Make Up Discovery Box!
Hope all of You are well? Today let me present You with a surprise blog post, Clean Beauty Favourites Collaboration Spring 2023. I am collaborating with Lu from Clean Beauty Loves and she is guest posting on my blog.
Welcome back! And welcome if You are new here xoxo
How I DIY body oil – easy & affordable – Green Life In Dublin
How are all of You, I hope You are well? Today I am here to share yet another DIY of mine, so whether You are here because You like them too or whether cost of living crisis had You searching for more affordable stuff, You are welcome. Let’s find out together? Psst, it is so easy and quick to do! Cheap, too.
Monthly Musings – Quitting Algorithms – Green Life In Dublin
How are You, I hope You are well? Today’s post has been inspired by French green beauty blogger & Youtube bourrique where she talks about consumption, having to post good quality content on the regular, finding her place in the clean beauty world & more. This topic has been on my mind for months now and I think it is time to voice it. So here it is – I am quiet quitting overconsumption, pressure and most importantly, bending my own real life to accommodate algorithms! There, I said it.