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18 Natural & Organic Favourites
How are all of you, I hope life is treating you well? I’ve been thinking about my favourite products lately and which ones are long standing ones, and I have came up with a blog post on the spot – let’s see my ride or die favourites from 2018 still used daily today?
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Nature’s Wish Review
Now, if you follow me for at least a couple of months, you might remember me ordering Joy roller in my Love Lula blogger order back in February here, and putting all of the products into my Pinterest wishlist here – and guess what? The Universe has a strange ways of working, but I am happy to say that Amy reached out to me not too long after and asked if I would like some more products to try. Not only that, but she offered to pick the products for me by dowsing (don’t ask me, she is the expert). I was like “does one legged duck swim in circles? Yes please!”
So long story short, Amy picked the products she thought I need at this time based on my energy field – and boy, did she get it right! I am not an expert when it comes to all things aura/ energy field / flower and gemstone essences/ aura sprays, etc, but I am a believer – I think there’s not only our physical body, but also spiritual one and it is just as important to take care of both. It took me a very long time to realize this, but let’s leave it for another time and come back to the wonderful Nature’s Wish products. Let me just say that while all these products you see here were sent to me, I have full intentions to repurchase them with my own money. Not only that, I am sharing them with you – yep, there will be a mini giveaway at the end of this review, and this time it is international!
A bit about the brand and it’s founder:
Nature’s Wish is an award winning wellbeing and skincare company, offering a range of high quality products that are rich in vitamins, essential oils, flower and crystal essences. Each product is handmade in small batches to retain the quality and integrity of the essences.
Inspired by the profound effects that flower essences can have on a persons wellbeing, Amy Murphy-Watts founded Nature’s Wish in Hampshire in 2010. She is passionate about flower essences and their remarkable ability to be absorbed into your energetic system, as such she only uses natural and organic ingredients. Amy is a trained Bach flower practitioner and through her extensive learning and experience she now makes all her own flower essences. She places a lot of love, care and hard work into what she does and considers flower essences to hold a key part in helping to rebalance our own vibrational energy. Each of her combination essences have a particular purpose.
Combining the essences into sprays and beauty products enables you to get the benefits of the essences in many ways, Amy blends them into Face Oils, Roller Balls, Energy Sprays, Lip Balms and Body Oils. All the flower essences are made from plants grown in Amy’s garden or gathered on local walks in Hampshire, thus preserving the highest quality distinct imprint of the flowers. None of the products contain any chemicals, petroleum, palm oil, parabens or additives and is never tested on animals.
Stay tuned and let’s look at each of the products individually, shall we?
Nature’s Wish
This wonderful product is probably my favourite from the whole lot – don’t ask me how it works, but it has the ability to silence my monkey brain within seconds! It is a blend of floral waters, essential oils, flower, crystal and environmental essences to cleanse and revitalise your natural energy field.
BENEFITS: A soothing blend to help calm when you are feeling overwhelmed or under pressure. Provides grounding and protection allowing you to feel strong and safe, enabling your aura energy to have a sense of inner peace. FLOWER ESSENCES: The Peace blend of Angel’s Trumpet, Daisy and Walnut. ESSENTIAL OILS: Palmarosa, Rose Otto and Grapefruit. FLORAL WATER: Rose Bulgarian.
I always have this within reach and am spraying it multiple times per day – and I make sure to take it with me to work on the weekends too. It comes in the 100ml glass bottle and I hope it never runs out!
Ingredients: Rose Floral Water Palmarosa Rose Grapefruit Angel's Trumpet flower essence in Brandy and Water Daisy flower essence in Brandy and Water Walnut flower essence in Brandy and Water
The description says it is a luxurious combination of natural and organic oils that are rich in vitamins, essential oils, flower essences and crystal essences.
BENEFITS: A relaxing blend to provide a feeling of calm in times of stress. Helps to centre and rebalance the mind and body. Aids connection of thoughts and information with patience and sensitivity. FLOWER ESSENCES: The Tranquility blend of Daisy, Impatiens, Lavender and Walnut. ESSENTIAL OILS: Neroli, Mandarin and Rose Otto.
This product is also very enjoyable to use and I don’t want to run out of it too! I find 100ml bottle gives me around 10 full body applications – and I am very generous when applying body oils, I am obsessed with them for the last year or so! I wish the scent was a bit stronger, but I appreciate that is is all natural and natural essential oils do not give you that in-your-face aroma some of you might want. I have to say I am yet to use it as a bath oil, I don’t want to waste it, so I keep using it as a body oil.
Ingredients: Grape Seed Oil Thistle Org Avocado Org Sunflower Oil Org Castor Oil Org Vitamin E Neroli Rose Mandarin Daisy flower essence in olive oil Impatiens flower essence in olive oil Lavender flower essence in olive oil Walnut flower essence in olive oil
Nature’s Wish review & giveaway
Nature’s Wish Tranquility ESSENCE
Now, at this point I should probably tell you that all of the Nature’s Wish products are available on Love Lula* (sadly no more) except for the essences (this link above will take you directly to their website. No affiliation or sponsorship, purely for your convenience) As far as essences go, I haven’t tried too much, so I don’t have an extensive experience with them. I also didn’t know what I was going to get, so I wasn’t able to go and look up the product beforehand and get some preconceived thoughts about it, so when I did get the product, I decided to take the essence without looking at the description and to see where it goes. I have to say I was taken by surprise – my normal state of stress-head was instantly mellowed when I took this product, and the problems that seemed huge before definitely did seem on a lesser and more manageable degree. So this made me a believer – this is something you have to experience for yourself as flower and crystal essences are still outcast as the “witchy” “hippy” stuff, sadly so. This Tranquility essence is a mix of a few flower essences and is designed to help us ground back to the earth, bring calm to work the situation out, feel patient and connect with the inner self. It is also a great enabler in meditation.
Ingredients /Essences:Daisy: Helps to bring together scattered thoughts and information. It creates clarity and a calm mind. Enables us to connect our thoughts and information into a coherent patter. Very good as an aid with study to help focus the mind.
Impatiens: For impatient and impulsive people. For those who like working their way, at their speed and are often critical of others who don't. Sudden temper outbursts, impatiens, irritability. By taking impatiens it brings a calmer nature, more patient and sensitive to others.
Lavender: For those who over stretch themselves emotionally, mentally, spiritually and physically. Helps us to connect to our higher self, bringing spirituality into everyday life. It brings clarity, enabling us to hear our inner guidance. It relaxes those who over stimulate themselves. It also helps to protect those who absorb too much spiritual energy which can often result in difficulties in the head, neck and shoulders
Walnut: For those who find it difficult to adapt to change. Very useful for major-life changes, teething, puberty, pregnancy, divorce, moving home or school, changing job, bereavement etc. For those who feel affected by other's influences and personality. It is also a good grounding essence and an all round protector.
Roller balls are a mix of different essences and essential oils in some type of carrier oil. They are convenient to carry around and apply on the pulse points as needed, you are meant to inhale them after application. The smell is faint but pleasant (again, this is not a perfume) and I find if used regularly, this centers my thoughts and makes me less stressed, so I guess you can say it gives me some joy if you will.
Flower Essences: Angel's Trumpet, Willow, Sweet Pea
Crystal Essences: Rose Quartz
Essential Oils: Bergamot, Lemon, Rose Geranium, Roman Chamomile, Ylang Ylang
Breakdown of what each of the ingredient and what it does:
Essential Oils:
Bergamot: Psychologically Bergamot has soothing, balancing and reviving qualities. It is a sunny essential oil, connected to the heart chakra, helping to relieve sadness, depression and grief.
The Bergamot we use is Bergapten-free – so less likely to be phototoxic and less likely to be a skin sensitiser.
Lemon: Lemon is uplifting, refreshing, reviving and stimulant. It helps to bring clarity to the mind and prevent emotional outbursts. As well as clearing the mind it can help to open the heart.
Rose Geranium: It helps to gently uplift and balance. It creates a feeling of security by helping to calm anxiety and bring about a sense of balance. Good to steady out moody swings.
Roman Chamomile: This is a deeply calming and balancing essential oil. It helps to create a feeling of relaxation.
Ylang Ylang: This is a very pleasant smelling oil with a delicate fragrance. It works as an antidepressant, anti-inflammatory and antiseptic and aphrodisiac.
Flower Essences:
Sweet Pea: For grounding in over crowded places, families or situations. To bring our thoughts back to the here and now, for those who escape to fantasy. Helps us to form connections with home and communities, for anti-social behaviour. To create a sense of belonging and connection with others. Good for those moving around.
Angels Trumpet: Heralding and welcoming in the angels. To break down inhibitions and self doubt. Good for those on spiritual journeys to connect to inner self and the angels. To feel inner peace, balance and calm. A beautiful essence.
Willow: For resentment and bitterness. For those blaming others and feeling hard done by ‘poor me’. Helps us to take responsibility and not blame others. Allows us to be more open and less resentful.
Crystal Essences:
Rose Quartz: Helps to release emotional stress, and helps with emotional problems such as negative self-image.
And now for the (mini) giveaway, the part you have been waiting for! If you want to win Nature’s Wish roller ball in Joy, all you have to do is to leave me a comment here – anything you want to say, simple “want” will do 🙂
The giveaway is open worldwide for one week, closing date is May 16 2019 and the winner will be live drawn in my Insta stories on 17 May.
That’s all for now, see you here next Tuesday 🙂
Lots of Love,
Green Life In Dublin, green beauty and lifestyle blog
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Mother’s Day Natural Beauty Gifts Guide
So, with Mother’s day fast approaching, you might be wondering what to get that wonderful mom of yours? Let me help – I feel it’s best if I chose all products from one stop shop to save you time, and what better shop than Love Lula*? I will also keep this post short and sweet as not to take up too much of your time. I chose the products I love and believe would make a good presents. Most of them have reviews, and if they don’t, they are on the way. Existing reviews will be linked down below in the case you would love to read more in depth about products. Continue reading “Natural Mother’s Day Gifts – All From Love Lula”
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Love Lula Beauty Box February 2019
As you might know, Love Lula* is not only awesome online shop, but they do their own monthly beauty box – which feels like Christmas or Birthday present each month, mind you! I don’t know about you, but I certainly am looking forward to getting it each month.
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Love Lula products – Weleda Hair Tonic, Tabitha James Kraan Dry Shampoo, Nature’s Wish Joy
How are all of you, I hope you are well? Now that the weather is getting warmer by day, I hope everybody feels alright? If you follow me for some time, you might know I am one lucky duck also known as a part of Love Lula* Accredited Bloggers, and each month we have an opportunity to choose products we want to review.
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Love Lula Beauty Box December 2018
I do realize I am way late with this post, I assure you I had my best intentions to post it on time last December, but time got away from me juggling all the normal work-family-life-blogging duties coupled with intense testing slash judging for The Beauty Shortlist Awards 2019 and Holiday preparations. So I posted this post on my IG page here and promised You to come back a month later, not only with my first impressions, but with a more well rounded review. Here I am, ready to give my two cents on all the products and the box in overall. Ready to get started? I am so ready.
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Love Lula Best Natural & Organic Products
How are all of You? I hope 2019 is treating You well so far?
Idea for today’s post came via Love Lula Natural Beauty Club post, 5 Best Natural Beauty Products of 2018 of Live Naturally N (see her post here) and that got me thinking – how many of my Holy Grail Products of 2018 actually came from Love Lula? You can see my blogger recommendations here, but as life doesn’t stand still, my Holy Grail product change over time too, due to many different reasons – the brands sell out, products change in formulations, stop working or are no longer stocked by Love Lula. If You want to know my Love Lula* Loves too, You are in the right place 🙂 Continue reading “My Best Love Lula 2018 Products”
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2018 Best Natural & Organic Products
So it is that time of the year, wonderful time of the year, my favourite time of the year – Green Beauty Yearly Favourites time of the year. If Green Life In Dublin Green Beauty Awards existed, these would be it! So let’s get started, shall we? We all know I love to talk and to review good products, so majority of them will have reviews either on their own, or as part of Favourites posts – so be sure to hit that search box either here or in my previous blog with 400+ posts here. Just a reminder, my skin is dry, uber sensitive and dermatitis prone. Hair is thin, but lots of it, with a sensitive scalp to boot. Lucky girl, I know 🙂
(Full disclosure, some, but not all, of the links are affiliate links, and I thank You for using them - they are at no extra cost to you as a consumer. All products mentioned here are tested thoroughly by me, and truly my Holy Grail products - I would never recommend anything that isn't my true favourite. Some of the products date back for years and haven't left my Yearly Favourites for well, years! I also want to point out that Google collects data while you browse my blog, but I think we all know that at this point.
Alteya Certified Organic Nourishing Rose Otto Face Serum
All amazing for different reasons, but I LOVE them equally. Mahalo has a review here, all others are still waiting their turn. After being a face oil fiend for years and years, I had to give them up due to developing dermatitis (which hates oils) but I still add them for winter, when my skin isn’t coping very well on it’s own in the harsh elements.
Earthwise Beauty Nap In The Meadow
Alteya Organics Rose Otto Regenerating Concentrate
see facial oils
Healing BALM
Mahalo Rare Indigo
May Lindstrom Blue Cocoon
Please let me explain why I chose these balms that are both uber expensive – it is purely because I need all the healing help I can get with my dermatitis, which sometimes flares up for no apparent reason, and blue tansy, which is present in both products, seems to be the magic that heals my skin. It is my face after all! While Mahalo Rare Indigo is a firm fave for the last three years (just check my 2017 & 2016 Favourites posts), I wanted to change things up a bit this year and purchased Blue Cocoon, which seems to be equally impressive. Pricy as they are, both jars last a year, which makes me justify the price point for them. I see more blue balms popping here and there, so I intend to try more of them out.
W3LL People Bio Tint Multi Action Moisturiser SPF30
Kimberly Sayer is what I used for the last four years or so, but it might be overthrown by the next two, which are newer discoveries, but oh-so-impressive. I’ll talk about them soon. W3LL People, if you are reading this, come back to EU! I’ll campaign to make it happen if I’ll need to!
I hope this was in any way interesting and/or helpful to you, and if it leads to at least one person finding a good product, then my work is done. Please be on the lookout for the reviews of many of these products, and let me know your favourites as well, so I could check them out!
Enjoy my content? A tip into my PayPal Tip Jar - will get You my eternal gratitude and more awesome green beauty reviews Your way! I weed out all the greenwashing products so You won't have to.
Welcome back! And if you are new here, welcome ???
Today I thought to share all posts from 2018, all 70 of them in one place – purely for your convenience! Some of you might now I blog for years, some of you won’t, so I thought to round up all the reviews in one convenient place – shall we get started?
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If you want to know what I got this Black Friday this year, you are in the right place. This year I didn’t do Black Friday sales round up for all the EU & UK online shops and brands post like I did last year, I decided I am against mindless consumerism. However, having said that, I did spend a lot of money myself – it was all on the good stuff that I know suits my super sensitive skin, but the total is still eye wateringly high, and I don’t want to add up totals just yet. Head in the sand method works just fine for now, thanking you 🙂