Hi Lovelies,
Welcome back! And welcome if You are new here xo

How are all of You, I hope You are well?
Mid term break
With kids mid term holidays my plans are on pause right now – about time. With calendar packed, it was about time I took it slow.
Not having much time to read, I turned to Gaia, simply because I have it and simply because I now can view it on my TV. Fetch plays with Milo just got so much more interesting.
With the weather being sunny for about three days this year, I now long to dive into my bucket list of outdoor activities and trips far and not so far. Dog friendly accommodation recommendations welcome!
I am overjoyed to see my plants starting to sprout & grow – everything apart from magnolia tree that is. It turns out I wasn’t a bad gardener, the plants needed much more sun. Again, tips for magnolia trees welcome! I kept it inside for about a week and it was very happy, sprouting new leaves and about seven blooms. All that came to a halt when I put it outside last week – it nearly died in less than a week. I made sure it was in the least windy corner and watered it the same, so I am not quite sure what went wrong or what to do going forward. Send help!
Slow Fashion on pause
This year I renewed my Slow Fashion Year project (post below) but seeing in black and white how quickly I can amass things, I have decided to make this may a fashion fasting month and not buy things intentionally. There is a big difference in wanting things versus needing things & I am very conscious of not cluttering my new house. I am also self banning myself from furniture charity shops too. Since moving in, I bought multiple pieces of furniture there & I have quite enough storage for now.
Slow Fashion Year 2024 – January to April – Green Life In Dublin
Sand & Fog Candles
Umm, I am that weirdo in TKMaxx standing there and reading ingredients in candles. Yep. Luckily I know a few brands that I can safely go for, so it doesn’t take that much time. Sand & Fog is one of them – also found at Live In The Light – and I am happy (and a bit embarrassed) to say that I bought three in one visit. I am very far away from TKmaxx these days, can’t pop in whenever I feel like it, so it made sense in my head to stock up. That, and also what if the power goes out? These things are good to have. That’s my excuse and I am sticking to it 🙂
Dutch Health Store Order?
I am out of my beloved Nuud deodorant and Living Libations dental care, so I was planning on ordering from one of my beloved internet natural stores, The Dutch Health Store. I am also after Navi Organics pearl powder, which I snoozed on for about a week & it sold out again… Come to think of it, a lot of my Holy Grail products come from this store. I am thinking of doing my Best Products from DHS post, would You like to see it?
Live In The Light Order?
This is another gem online store that carry uber natural products, they are UK based. Fear not, if You are ordering from EU, they have some special system for You not to pay those pesky extra taxes. I think they send the boxes to be cleared to one of EU countries before sending them to You, I forget which country though. They carry Living Libations, Pure Anada and a lot of other natural brands – as well as crystals, which always melt my heart. Oh, and natural candles too. Same Sand & Fog, which I mentioned before. Sand & Paws are candles from the same brand aimed at clearing pet odors. I just got a couple but haven’t burned them yet, so I am not quite sure if they are different from the main line. Oh, did I mention that they are affordable too? Some of the natural candles are so eye wateringly priced that I simply can’t afford them. Not in this case!
No other orders are planned. A few brands have said they are sending a package my way, but nothing has showed up yet. If You are a clean beauty brand reading this, please feel free to reach out and talk.