Hello Lovelies,
Welcome back! And welcome if You are new here xo

How are all of You, I hope You are well? How is spring threating You? Today I will talk about what’s happening behind the scenes at Green Life In Dublin HQ and new products coming into my life this month.
Not much
Not much to update You on, life is taking over a bit more than I would like to, so let’s move onto THINGS 🙂
See the good snippets of life lately here:
Ps. not much of that either 🙂 Hopefully next post is going to be way more exciting.
Ecco Verde order
In my last Winter Favourites post I talked about falling in love with Weleda’s Sea Buckthorn hand cream and Everon lip balm. I also mentioned that the set of the two was reduced to only seven euros and some change. I knew I had to have it there and then, so after having a good talk with myself about taking advantage of this insane deal, I ended up with four sets as back ups. Let me explain the context here, I simply do not know the prices like this for anything here in Ireland. Natural products are few and far in between and while Weleda is available in some shops and pharmacies, the hand cream alone is 15€, no kidding. I haven’t seen the lip balm anywhere, but I am sure that would be 10 at least. So to have two sets for the price I would pay for the hand cream alone, that’s maths done right if You ask me? Anyways. I also bought a Blue Ceramide serum by Evolve Organic Beauty – my favourite brand if You are new here – and a few other goodies.
4 x Weleda “Care for You” Gift Sets – 6.14€each
Hydrophil Interdental Brushes – 2.04€
Evolve Organic Beauty Blue Velvet Ceramide Serum – 44.58€
I also grabbed quite a few products from new-to-me brand Terra Naturi. Everything was super cheap, the ingredients were good at the first glance, but there were no reviews on anything, nor I could find the brand on IG? Please let me know if You have used anything by this brand, I would be super curious to hear Your thoughts. I either wasted the money on things that might possibly not work or have discovered clean and yet cheap as chips brand? That remains to be seen.
Terra Naturi CLEAN & CARE 3-in-1 Cleansing Foam
150 ml – € 3,06 (at the request of my pre-teen)
Terra Naturi INTENSIVE CARE Lip Care – €1.32
Terra Naturi Soft Almond Liquid Soap 500 ml – € 2,35
Again, how is this pricing even possible? I know Germany and other countries do have budget clean beauty brands available everywhere, that might be hit or miss or so I am told. Here I don’t have any, so I am definitely not used to these price points. I am well used to paying 10€ for Dr. Hauschka lip balm and around 25 for DrBronners big bottle of castile soap.
Terra Naturi Curved Volume Mascara in Black – 4.09€
Terra Naturi Baked Blush in Bronzy – 4.09€
Again, how are these prices possible? I am so used to paying 30€and upwards for my mascaras, but I would like very much to find cheap alternatives to it. There was only one photo and no swatches of the blush, but it seems swirled baked blush, very similar to my previously beloved Studio78 Paris bronzer In Rosy. I am hoping and praying it would be, the Studio78Paris one seems to be sold out for years.
*a little update a few days later. The blush is three times smaller than I expected, but it is ok. Very shimmery without too much pigment. I think I will use it as a blush topper for now and give it to my daughter a little while later. The lip balm is ok, but the mascara started flaking on the day two. Not a good start.
I am running out of a few of my favourite Living Libations products (like Ozonated Gum Gel) so at the moment I am debating whether to order from Live In The Light or The Dutch Health Store. What do You guys think, which store to go to? What are Your favourite products from both? I would love to know.
Check out my favourite online shops:
The Dutch Health Store
Live In The Light code GREENLIFEINDUBLIN15 saves You 15%
Living Libations
The Clean Beauty Edit GreenLife10 saves You 10%
Pure Anada
Fushi Wellbeing
iHerb code CDI1500 saves $£€ for the first timers
That’s it for today, thanks for reading. I appreciate You taking Your time to visit my little corner of internet. Wish me luck with the hospital appointment tomorrow.
Sending LOVE & LIGHT!