Hi Lovelies,
Welcome back! And welcome if You are new here xoxo

How are You, I hope You are well? After having posted about putting my entire collection on Project Pan, it kind of made me go down the memory lane, aka my own Instagram to see what products I would like to repurchase again. Ready?
I feel like I am due a little explanation. Because why just not repurchase a product(s) I liked, right? Well, for many different reasons actually. Big reason me wanting to be a minimalistic blogger of sorts and having only one open product at a time (bar make up), then the next product shows up in a beauty box or via collaboration. Skincare takes months to finish, we all know that. By the time I am done with third product I might have forgotten about the first (it happened) or if I went on to actually get it, sometimes the shop has discontinued it or the brand folded altogether (it also happened). Other times product came from TKMaxx, I have blogged about their beauty section not once but twice, but we all know for the fact that products rarely come back there. If I go out of my way to repurchase something I like found there, there’s high prices, shipping and custom fees to consider. I am someone who works 10h work weeks and has kids to feed and rent to pay, so You can imagine how much “play” money I actually have. Yep, You guessed it, practically none. So it also happened that with a sigh and a heavy heart I had to leave some products simply because they were simply too expensive for me. I also tend not to support the brands who sell out. Personal choice, really. You do You boo, I am not here to judge.
Many of the products I actually reviewed, so please hit the search box if You want to know more. The products and possible reviews will not be linked, but I will talk about each product a little bit explaining myself. It’s a lot, go grab Yourself a tea or coffee 🙂
One of the products that never came back to TKMaxx – and I miss it a lot. I would actually like to have it back in my life, I still remember it five years on. This is Australian brand, I probably never repurchased it because of high shipping costs and custom duties. Let me know if You know sale points from somewhere within Europe? If You are after a good hair oil that would work equally well as a scalp mask and hair oil that’s not greasy this is a good one. I have moved on to Evolve Organic Beauty hair oil, but I still miss this one.
I blogged about their amazing body balms, which were sadly discontinued a few years ago. I kept buying and I also blogged about their amazing Rosemary lip balms, which were one from the very few lip balms that were actually good at Staying On The Lips. They were my firm favourites for that reason. Sadly Arno also decided not to renew making them after the packaging tubes got destroyed by the fire in his old premises. That was many months ago, I emailed, I DMed, I left notes on the website chat box. Nothing worked, they are still not back and I am still upset about it.
This also upsets me. Their BB Cream used to be my Holy Grail status foundation – the formula was fabulous on so many counts, it was clean, had SPF30, had a full coverage, more than most foundations actually. I loved it so much that I went to great lengths to get it from America.. all till they sold out to Elf. We all know what happens to clean products once they sell out to conglomerates. The formula is instantly reformulated for the worse & it is done many times over a period of time, To the point where You can’t recognize the original formula a year or two down the line. So I withdrew my support there and then.
This came via Love Lula beauty box, I would have never chosen this by myself for two different reasons. Firstly, up until this product I never believed in bath potions that actually help with the symptoms of cold & flu – this changed my mind. I also hate anything with peppermint in it, skin, body, make up, hair, I can’t stand the tingling. This has peppermint in it, so I was way hesitant to actually use it. It has lasted me a year and when I went on to repurchase it, the brand was no longer on Love Lula. Maybe I should seek this out, it is a good product.
This mask is both amazing and affordable. Hear me out. Yes, it costs around 40€ but it has this amazing formula that can’t be replicated at home (believe me I tried) and it does all kinds of amazing things for Your skin, it softens, evens out the skin tone, nourishes and makes it so smooth. The reason it is in this post is that I didn’t have it the whole year if not two. It was all down to Convid, we were all stressed and still are stressed because of it. The last thing I could think of was masking, I actually done masking only a handful of times in the last two years. Now that I am aware that I have Lealani Mermaid shaped hole in my life, I am moving it to my “Repurchase” list. Oh, and a jar seems tiny, but it will last You six months to a year.
I am a bit ashamed to admit I casted it aside after new products came into my life. I still have a small backlog of toothpastes, but I am definitely coming back to this some day. Ingredients are all kinds of amazing, including prebiotics.
This Scandinavian product would have also probably never crossed my path if not for Nordic Natural Beauty Awards sending me a box of their winner products. At first I was not excited about this, purely because sooo many of natural deodorants did not work for me. I used it without much excitement till I did “Couch potato to 5k program” and I noticed I DID NOT smell after a good workout. I was actually going to repurchase it sometime at the end of November last year, but then the Holidays came too soon and here we are now. It is at the back of my mind and I already sent an email to the brand about the shipping costs. It is 8eu for Ireland.
Instagram made me do it. Literally. I don’t know what about you, but I love seeing what my internet friends are loving. And adding things to my list obviously ? I bought this Scentered Escape Therapy Balm after seeing it on @naturalusid page. Well, in all honesty I did not need much convincing after seeing “oud” and “sandalwood” in the ingredients list ? Scentered make luxurious aromatherapy balms with essential oils. I find this lasts longer than others I’ve tried, has non greasy finish and works well at soothing my anxiety. You would love it if You love oriental type of scents, but they have something for everyone. I wish social media and blogs would have a scratch-and-sniff feature for natural products so I could share this dreamy scent with You. 59 weeks later I still haven’t forgotten about it. Haven’t repurchased at that time due to getting four roller Pacifica perfumes, plus custom fees are a big “ouch” moment every time I order from Naturisimo 🙁
Despite loving having one and reviewing it too, I haven’t repurchased it, simply because the price is too high for me. Living Libations products are AMAZING and I think highly of them, but it is not in my budget right now. I will definitely repurchase it when I come into money. I would love the see minis come back in stock too, so I could try more scents.
I bought this as soon as they came out. I was initially disappointed in it as a skin balm. I felt it just sat there on the skin, without absorbing or doing anything. However, having said that it was a love at a second sight when I started using it as a lip mask overnight. Plus I have a thing for sandalwood. I am currently finishing off Almond version. I also have a travel size of Ilia lip mask thingy, which most bloggers rave about. For me, this is better. Definitely repurchasing.
This is (was?) a French natural brand that does (did?) amazing essential oils room sprays that I fell in love with. I would gladly repurchase all of them, but the company stopped production around March 2020 when you-know-what hit and I do not see any signs of life on their website, Amazon or Love Lula. They still sell body deodorant sprays, but those are not what I am after. Saint Come, if You are reading this, please start making Your amazing products again! People need You, I need you!
I discovered this post giving birth when I send hubby to the health store to get pure sea buckthorn oil and he came back with this instead. We were living la vida broka at the time, so I immediately started diluting this with coconut oil & was very pleased with the result. I also remember gorgeous scent too. It’s been years since I had it, it is not so easy to get, even at places that stock Weleda. Plus, as a blogger I am never ever short on body oils. Face oils, even more so. So sometimes it is kind of hard to come back to the products You like. Not complaining, it is a good problem to have.
Oh, ISUN, I miss You! I remember the face mist especially fondly. The face balm and the face cleansers were also amazing, The lip balm was exceptionally good too. Why I haven’t repurchased??
This is also one of those beautiful natural products that have gorgeous ingredients, gave me so much pleasure while I used it and for some reason I haven’t repurchased. The price point is high (at least for me), but I would love to have it in my life again.
This was one of those TKMaxx scores – I checked the ingredients first (like always) and was satisfied, then I noticed the price – a tenner for a huge bottle of it. I think it was either 1 litre or at least 750ml, if You have all the time in the world, You can find my post on IG, but You would have to scroll miles to find it. The soap was very good, I remember it lathering and being not drying. Of course it never came back to TKMaxx and for a little while I was searching for EU places that stock it, even emailing the brand and everything. Then I started shopping at iHerb and was happy to see it here, but the price is a bit higher for a smaller amount, and also the postage goes up way more than I’d like when I add it to my cart. Plus I kind of weaned my family from liquid soaps too, so I am not even sure if it is worth getting and spending a bit more that I would like to. If You will be checking out that brand, can I suggest You get Yourself Strawberry Coconut Lotion? Huge tub of it costs around 8eu and it is literally the whole family’s favourite. Kids love it, I love it. Doubles as leave in conditioner too. It was the same story with this as the liquid soap, except I repurchased it asap!
Alaffia strawberry coconut hair and body lotion
Welp, this also has been discontinued! Grr!
This is one of the products I never wanted to end as soon as I opened it! This smells absolutely divine and was such a luxury to use, but once again, I just had to admit to myself that I can’t afford to repurchase it, at least not for now. I think I have to stash it under “when I will come into money”.
Greece is famous for many things, but this must be one of their best kept secret! Bought on a whim on holidays, because I knew nothing about it before, started using it as soon as we came from that holiday. This was amazing for my dermatitis – no wonder, the ingredients were amazing. I searched high and low for it online, found very little info, but I managed to track one online shop that sold it. The wanted 30eu for it, which I would have happily paid (I paid 7 in person) but then they tried to charge me 56 for postage. I said no than You & sadly left it at that. This reminds me of a similar story, just give me a second.
A story from about a decade and a half go, when my firstborn was around 10. Were were on holidays on Spain when we were offered a one day trip to Morocco, so we jumped on the chance. Long story later, one of the very things I have bought there were solid perfume and rose cream at one of their natural apothecaries. They gave us long presentation on how they heal people with all things natural & had rows and rows of jars of dried roots, flowers and other plant materials. Oh, and I also got one of those gimmicky “adjusts-to-your-lips” lip balms. Once again, I only started using the cream once I left the country and I deeply regret not taking any details of the said place. All of us still remember that cream to this day & it is one of those “I wish I could turn back time” situations.
This is a UK brand that should technically be accesible here, except that it’s not. Sugarplum line is (or was?) their seasonal Christmas scent, I remember buying everything I could find in TKMaxx years ago.
US brand with very natural active and sometimes usual ingredients. I have tried a few products, not everything worked out for me, but I do remember Nap In The Meadow and Marshmallow Suds nostalgically. I should get back to the brand sometime, but only if I can find EU stockist. Shipping + custom taxes would cost too much for me. Mama working only 10h a week, remember? I have to make every euro stretch. Kids and heating bill will always come first.
I tried this out of desperation when my dermatitis was at it worst and it truly worked like magic! All natural ingredients too. I was without it for many years, but now that I spotted it at Pure Anada, I am planning a repurchase.
It’s also been a couple of years since I had Jane Iredale products. I have reviewed the brand on my old blog, not everything worked out for me because of skin issues, some of their make up bits have dimethicone in them and my skin reacts horribly to it. But! The face mists were fantastic, especially Pommist.
Aww, dreamy Lotus Wei, I miss You so much! I honestly do not even know how to describe the beauty of their products, but You need to check them out. I also have a review on my old blog, check it linked below. The reason I couldn’t allow myself them any longer is living La Vida Broka and also seeing them disappearing from all the EU shops I knew. But they will be one of the first things I will repurchase once I will come into money. The will always be on my list.
Ah, the beauty of Hawaiian products! Dreamy, I have no other words for it. I have to be honest here, Rare Indigo is the product I still keep up repurchasing, because it helps so amazingly with dermatitis. In fact, this is the only product I am willing to part with over 100eu for. I have tried a few products from their line and I have reviewed them, again, on my old blog.
The reason I want to repurchase it is that it has great coverage, a must for me. Now that they came out with correctors too, the order I am planning to make might have to happen sooner 🙂 Why I haven’t repurchased, You will ask? Well, because Hynt Beauty ìs working so well for me right now, I feel no need to have two full coverage concealers. Besides, Hynt has more matte finish, which I prefer for my under eyes.
Very pricy, at least for me. It was also too strong for my face. But! It worked so amazingly well for my sensitive scalp that I still remember it to this day. It’s been X years and X amount of other products, but nothing worked as good.
This has noni in it and way more of it that certain supermodel’s line. It is also something I want to repurchase, but can someone please tell me their EU retailer?
ULIV turmeric face cream
Another classic case of US brand/ product that eventually became too pricy for me to repurchase one the postage costs hiked up and those damn custom fees were introduced. I believe last order of this beautiful cream cost me 75$ and I knew there and then I can no longer keep it up. Sad story bro, but beautiful product.
Black African Soap is a beautiful truly natural product that I love. It used to be very cheap, widely available. Both of those things are no longer true in my case. Pity, as it can be used both on the face and on the body. Look at the ingredients though, the most natural ones will have like six of them, shea butter, ash, and that kind of thing, everything You can understand and pronounce. But other brands use fillers and all kinds of chemicals, so be sure to check before You buy.
The whole line impressed me a lot, but the liquid eyeliner the most. Other brands peel off, run or smudge, but not this.
Want K-beauty but natural? This is the brand for You to check out. I lost access to it when Love Lula closed, but I remember how good their sheet masks were.
Oh, 100% Pure, where do I begin with You? Beautiful natural products, pigmented make up, but VERY short shelf life. Also, the price is high. These masks will get You red – carpet ready, but I am not happy with the waste I create using them, so I haven’t had them in ages now.
Gorgeous mascara that smells of blueberries, will give You amazing lashes and it is housed in beautiful metal bullet tube.. My problem with it? Inconsistent quality. Half of the time I got old mascara that was reeking of alcohol, a sign that mascara is old and way past it’s prime. At more than 25$/$ a pop, I could not afford to play this lottery and yet the brand had issue with me when I pointed it out. If You want the goss, look for me holding a bunch of these mascaras on my IG page. You will need to scroll about five miles to get to it, but it is there. I recently got a reminder of that when I purchased Naturisimo box and it was there.
Check out my favourite natural online shops:
The Dutch Health Store
Live In The Light code GREENLIFEINDUBLIN15 saves You 15%
Living Libations
Pure Anada
Fushi Wellbeing code GREENLIFEINDUBLIN saves You 20%
iHerb code CDI1500 saves $£€
That’s all for now, thanks so much for spending Your time with me! Your turn now, please tell me what natural remedies & products You miss?
Sending LOVE & LIGHT,