Hi Lovelies,

How are all of You, I hope You are well? First and foremost, let’s just all have a moment to send prayers to Ukraine and all of the people affected by war.
Enjoy bits and pieces of my life behind the scenes.
Untamed by Glennon Doyle has me feeling All. The. Feels. I haven’t reviewed it yet, but I have reviewed other book from my March Reading List, Green Living Made Easy by Nancy Birtwhistle, please click on the posts below to see more.
Green Living Made Easy by Nancy Birtwhistle review – Green Life In Dublin – AD
Trying/ testing
Lots of new products are coming in for judging for Clean Beauty Awards, I am judging four different categories and six or seven products in each – lots of juggling 🙂 I talked a bit in this post below, but haven’t listed the products yet, as I did not know at the point of publishing. I got face mists/ toners, body care (butters, lotions and body serums), nail care and deodorants. It is my fourth year judging, I already tested/ judged deodorants and body care in the past, so I probably won’t be ticking those boxes next year, ha. That’s if I am picked as a judge again, that’s it 🙂
I have this deep itch to deeply spring clean the house, but I have barely started, the lack of time is the perfect excuse, but I need to stop being pulled into a hundred of different directions, pause and just do it. I just finished my first ever yoga classes, so I need to continue on my own, As a true Sagittarius I tend to flake on things like these – that’s my excuse and I am sticking to it 🙂 Other than that, not much – I am crocheting a zipper pouch and planning “empty your freezer” challenge for myself. I am also reading a lot and really enjoy planning, so much that I even created separate IG page for it. Several, actually. I also bought so much kawaii looking Paperchase stationery products that it is not even funny! What can I say, I don’t do things by halves. Whatever You do, don’t half ass anything.
Lusting after
This would probably be an entire post all by itself, but here’s the short version of it. I really want to get leather moto vest (the winds are freezing here, even in the middle of summers!), organic bamboo undergarments, tuning forks or singing bowl, new Adidas Originals, leopard print bag and Bioptron.
What are You grateful for today? I feel it would be helpful for all of us to instill this little practice into our daily lives. It takes no time at all and very little effort – just remembering to do it, really. Pick a time of the day, ideally upon waking or before going to bed and think of three things You are grateful for that day. Over time it will shift Your whole perspective on things, at least it did for me. I feel like we are running ourselves ragged with never ending to do lists and life responsibilities, leaving ourselves no time to stop and smell the roses or take pause in other ways. The mind itself will never give You happiness or contentment, usually quite the opposite – it will always tell you what’s wrong with your life, even without You asking. So this is where the gratitude list comes in. If You have a roof over your head and some food, you are doing so much better than entire nations in some parts of the world. Isn’t that the reason to be grateful? You might think to yourself “yes, but the roof is dusty/ old/ wrong colour etc. etc”. Stop Yourself right there and ask Yourself what else can you appreciate in your life. Flowers starting to bloom all around you? Nice cup of coffee You had this morning? Meeting with a long lost friend? Wages coming in at the end of this week? All reasons to be grateful! Being alive is a reason to be grateful. I can’t quite believe that I am sitting here typing this, whereas I was worlds away not too long ago myself – feeling SAD (that’s seasonal depression), anxious and frustrated about not being where I want to be in life. Gratitude is the thing that truly helped me to see things from new perspective, but it is a muscle that had to be trained, it did not come naturally. Over time, You will start seeing that there are many good things in Your life, even if You don’t think so at the moment. Start small, keep it up for 21 days and then come back to me to talk about it! Go one step further and start making JOY Lists. Start doing more things from that list. We weren’t born to pay bills and die. Make someone happy, starting from You.
Also this:
Please check out my new IG pages, thanking You in advance! Brownie points for following 🙂
That’s it for today, thanks for spending Your time with me. See You here next Tuesday, my posting days.
Sending LOVE & LIGHT,