Hello Lovelies,
Welcome back! And welcome if You are new here ???

Hope life is treating You well in this still-upside-down world. This post is all about my monthly musings, thoughts and new products! Interested? Then let’s go 🙂
Thanks for coming to visit my little corner of internet first and foremost. I appreciate every single reader!
As this month is my birthday month, I tend to take stock of a lot of things, my life included. There’s a lot going behind the scenes, we all live busy lives, so this is a bit of a peak behind the scenes. I won’t share any thoughts on plandemic as I do not want any more negativity, hostility and division than we already have in this world. Instead I would like to ask everyone to take a moment and appreciate all the good things in our lives. Because there are plenty of things to be grateful for. Most of us have roofs over our heads, food on the table and electricity, all the things we take for granted. With so many reports of supply disruptions all over the world, including possible winter blackouts in Ireland (not kidding), my gratitude for everything and for life itself is well and truly on! Usually at this time I would be down in the dumps, SAD and feeling sorry for myself, because winter depression is back with a vengeance. But I refuse to give into that and give it my energy. With a couple of tools under my belt I am hoping to stay well this year, all with God’s blessing.
Winter is a sickness season and with the thing-that’s-going-around it is double scary to think about it. I have had it twice already, so the newest variants do not scare me much, I made sure to stock up my natural medicine cabinet well (see post below) but I needed to add some extras for recovery too. Let me know if You want me to post my resources for all the natural remedies I use, I will be glad to do that for You.
I also make sure to use and diffuse essential oils daily, see these posts for more info. I also have a post on DIY Healing Blend roller, which has been God sent, I take it everywhere.
Alongside job, family life, blogging and a-bit-too-many-zooms-and-webinars I also made sure to stock on on 25 books, so it is safe to say I will have something to do in my spare time for a few months to come! See my Instagram for the titles, it is still somewhat recent photo.
Speaking of a devil, aka Instagram, I will be taking a step back from it. It has become a scary place of hatred instead of the enjoyable platform it used to be. Talk about censorship, Zuckerbots and ads upon ads, it is barely recognizable from what it used to be. Facebook too. *I wrote a little rant about the modern day book burning, free speech being all but gone and some misguided souls (some call it trolls) reporting my posts constantly, but I deleted that. I do not want to add fuel to the misery out there, I want to add to the collective healing instead.
Last month I was really inspired by Meagan’s from Growing Up Herbal post on slow living & I blogged about my list too, You can find it here:
I already posted about my natural and organic favourites and my current skincare routine, so I will insert those posts in the case You want to see them. For those of You who prefer watching videos to reading, I linked my YouTube videos there for Your viewing pleasure. I have accepted a few offers of products for my consideration, so expect a few more reviews of Luk Beautifood, Adaptology Skincare, English Mineral Make Up, Fushi, Love Absolute and Earth Family Crystals.
As I already mentioned, this is my birthday month and I have some thoughts. Wishlists too! Luckily this month is Black Friday month, and although here in EU we do not get sales as awesome as my US sisters, but there’s still deals to be had. I am watching a few of my favourite shops for my favourite brands. It is a bit funny to watch Christmas sets come in before Black Friday, there’s sales for weeks and even Blue Friday. I am not complaining though, any opportunity to save money is welcome by me. Working only 10 hours a week I am not exactly rolling in dough.
I won’t be doing Christmas gift ideas post this year, but my recommendations from last year are still valid.
If You want more, here are my favourite truly favourite online shops with great gifts selection, between them You will definitely find what You are looking for!
Many thanks for reading & watching, I appreciate You!
Hope You enjoyed this and found it helpful. Let me know if You have questions or video requests.
Lots of LOVE,