Hi Lovelies,
Welcome back! And welcome if You are new here xoxo

Hope all of You are well! Are You loving Autumn? Today’s post is inspired by Meagan at Growing Up Herbal, she is a herbalist I follow and she just posted about her slow living Autumn goals, so I thought I would do mine. All of these things were swirling in my head lately and her post inspired to put it all down on paper. Or blog 🙂 Think Happy List meets Seasonal To Do List. Let’s dive in?
We are all different and we love different seasons, for me the loves are Spring and summer. Autumn (or Fall, depending where You are in the world), not so much. Living in forever rainy Ireland, we only get nice weather for a couple of weeks early in September, after that, it is back to rain, cold and miserableness. To avoid that, I thought I will make myself some sort of Happy List, Slow Living Seasonal To Do List or the mix of the two, but You get the idea. In my home country we have a saying “who will lift the tail of the dog if not the dog itself”, which does not translate into English well, but the meaning behind it is that if You want to be happy, You will have to do it Yourself. No one else is going to do that for You. In general, I think of Autumn as a prep season for the Cold and Flu season, also known as winter & I kind of dread both. With the sun gracing us less and less, I also feel SAD (or seasonal depression) creeping back in, which is never nice. So this is me, reminding myself that it is important to include things that makes me (and my family) happy into life as much as possible. Oh, and seasonally prep too 🙂
Collect as much elderberry as I can & make homemade elderberry syrup
Make Medicinal Cider Vinegar. Oh wait, I already did 🙂
Collect & dry blackberries (You can make jam too)
Make my own essential oil Healing Blend DIY
Incorporate more seasonal veggies into family meals
Try more new recipes & share them with You
Make a huge batch of Gluten Free Dairy Free Sugar Free Banana Waffles & freeze them
Visit Malahide Castle (and take beautiful seasonal pictures for IG)
Make my own alkaline spice blend – ideas welcome!
More organic matcha lattes & less coffee. My body just feels better for it
Go to the sea as much as possible
Restock my Natural Medicine Cabinet
Also, my Wellness Products
Visit friends & family as much as we can
Take out my Nebulising Diffuser out
Start diffusing essential oils daily
Put my Living Libations Illume Hotberry to the front of the shelf & start using it daily again
Take out wool throws & blankets out of storage & flash wash or air them
Study herbalism a bit more, try to learn & identify more local plants that could be used as medicine
Study homeopathy – Julia Homeopath from kindly gifted me her newest course, thanks ever so much Julia!
Try to establish early night routine – so far not happening yet
Get myself a few natural candles. I am eyeing some on Live In The Light
Go for a walk/ jog a couple of times per week
Go back to Gadget Free Day. We used to have Gadget Free Sundays till I started working on the weekends & that went out of the window. I need to figure something out
Get puzzles/ board games / craft supplies in the case of future lockdowns

Enjoy medicinal mushroom lattes & cocoa more – I find them very soothing and grounding
Pick up knitting again – very calming activity & You get some beautiful creation at the end of it
Start Yoga – I always wanted to learn, but never started, despite buying beautiful cork & sustainable rubber yoga mat.
Spend more time on Gaia and MUCH LESS on social media. It is not an enjoyable place anymore.
Take detox baths on Sundays & stick with the habit. Just like most women, I tend to put others first and myself last. I need to remember to take care of me too. You can’t pour out of empty cup, right?
Give myself grace if I have down days. Because all of this sounds like a plan and a half.
I plan to treat myself to something nice, like an Ayurvedic Kansa Wand, if I pull all of this through. I always wanted that, so I’ll make it into a carrot to dangle in front of my nose 🙂
Let’s start a conversation here – what about Your list? Anything specific that You do this season? What do You enjoy doing at this time of the year? Please let me know, I would love to hear all that.
That’s it for today, thanks so much for coming to my little corner of internet. See You next Tuesday, my posting day.
Sending Love & Light,