Hi Lovelies,
Welcome back! And welcome if You are new here xoxo
I think I am a couple of weeks too late for this post, but let me tell you of one of the ways I keep my family on the healthy path this winter – without any effort & costing just cents per day. Please step forward essential oils diffuser(s) & Living Libations, NYR & SOIL essential oils!
First thing first, a disclaimer - I am not a health or medical professional, so therefore not qualified to give professional advice. I am simply a mom who wants to share natural remedies that work for me. It is up to you what you will do with this information, always consult with your doctor prior to starting anything new, esp if you have any pre-existing health conditions.
Essential oils are amazing! (Not to be confused with fragrance oils, stay away from them as far as possible!) These little pretty bottles of natural goodness are powerhouses of original medicine & I wish everyone knew about them – sadly we are witnessing the opposite these days. Aromatherapy, along with other natural healing modalities are ridiculed in the media and young generations are growing up to believe the pharmaceuticals are the only way, brushing all the herbal medicine aside as “old wives tales”. Oh how I wish this wasn’t the case! The more I dive into herbalism & aromatherapy (all self studies), the more I am in awe of Mother Nature. Of course, this is another topic for another time, I could talk about it for days. Just make sure to do the throughout research on the essential oil company before parting with your cash – you want to make sure you are getting the best quality and purest essential oils there is. Organic or wildcrafted if possible, you don’t want concentrated pesticides in your EO bottle either – the final product is only as good as your starting materials, aka the plants. Having made the classical mistake of getting cheapest essential oils from my local health shop & not getting the results I wanted, I kind of gave up on aromatherapy because I thought it didn’t work. Oh boy, how wrong I was back then! Fast forward a decade later & having done a ton of research on the brands I choose to trust, I am enjoying aromatherapy daily & can’t get enough of it now & use various oils almost daily. Now, I do not need to remind you what is happening in the world right now & media adding to the sheer panic of Corona virus, do I? I too am afraid, but within reason, and having done my research of what I can actually do in order to stay healthy & be prepared in natural way, one of the things I do is diffuse essential oils at home daily. (aside from keeping a healthy diet, airing home, taking vitamins, especially C and so on). Aside from the initial investment of getting a couple of bottles of essential oils & maybe a diffuser, the cost of using them are just cents per day. Good essential oils cost as little as just a few euros for a bottle of tea tree or lemon essential oil for example, a little more for special blends designed to stay healthy and/or to fight illness – these popular blends are Organic Defence, Immunity & the like. The cheapest I mentioned here is Immunity from Soil (review) costing just under a tenner for 10ml, but let me tell you, these tiny bottles will last you for months! The diffusers are nice additional item, but not necessary, although I would highly suggest them. If they are out of your budget, ask for one for your Bday present maybe? Those cute oil burners with a tea light underneath might be not the best choice, as you are heating up the oil and thus destroying the medicinal qualities – you are better off inhaling the scent straight from the bottle, dropping a drop or two on a handkerchief & keep it close to your computer for example, or on the pillow at night. For obvious reasons, keep them away from babies – the scent is safe, but be sure to keep the essential oils & diffusers away from them. I usually diffuse the room when my kids are at school, prior to them coming home, never actively when they are around – one of them has asthma and allergies & I do not want her to react adversely. (please be sure to educate yourself on what oils are kids & pets safe, or seek professional advise if you are not sure). If your essential oils are food or better yet, therapeutic grade, you can apply them on the bottoms of your feet if you are feeling you are about to get cold/flu. I do that, and combined with a good cup of strong herbal tea & healing epsom/magnesium salt bath (you can add a drop of two of essential oil too) & good night sleep, usually sorts the problem. If not, I usually add OreganolP73 to the mix (see my full Natural Medicine Cabinet here) to the mix.

So, what do exactly do I do with the essential oils, you ask? Well, they can be used in a variety of ways, some I just explained, but my favourite is actually diffusing them. I have two diffusers, Esta from Neal’s Yard Remedies, which works with water (follow manufacturer’s instructions) and my new addition & new favourite, Living Libations Ultrasonic Essential Oils Diffuser, (also available from Dutch Health Store) which works without the water – you simply add the essential oils to the dome & plug it in. I acquired it because of mold problem in my apartament, I figured, the less moisture I add to the problem, the better. You do you boo, if you are living in a hot climate, regular diffuser might be better choice for you.
I use & trust these companies for quality ESSENTIAL OILS
Living Libations
Balm Balm
Alteya Organics
& blends from
ISUN Skincare
AnnMarie Skincare
Sometimes some essential oil companies claim that their’s are THE ONLY therapeutic or organic essential oils in the world. That’s not true. You also don’t need to spend loads of money on good quality essential oils, as I mentioned, if you break down the cost per use, it ends up costing pennies per day to help aid your health (in all natural way!) – and that to me is priceless!
Now, your turn – do you use/diffuse essential oils? Which ones are your faves? Please let me know!
That’s it for today, see You here next Tuesday.
Lots of Love,

P.S. The post is not sponsored, all products apart one were purchased with my own moolah & the thoughts are entirely my own.
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