Hello Lovelies,
Welcome Back! And welcome if You are new here xo
I hope You and Your family are well! If not so much, Your or Your child has sniffles or worse, have all the symptoms of upcoming flu, then this post is for You! I will be showing You my tried and tested healing recipe using Neals Yard Remedies & Living Libations essential oils in a roller ball format. You might also want to check out my Natural Medicine Cabinet post for what other natural remedies I use to keep my family healthy or heal fallen soldiers in natural ways.
First thing first, a disclaimer that I am not a medical professional or certified aromatherapist, so I am not qualified to dish out medical advice nor I am telling You what to do. Always consult with Your doctor prior starting anything new, especially if You are on any existing medications. I am simply sharing what I use and what works for me. You and only you will be responsible for what You do with this information.
Now that we got silly but necessary disclaimer out of the way, let’s talk about the essential oils, shall we? They are potent plant extracts in teeny tiny bottles, used for centuries if not thousands of years before “modern” medicine arrived on the scene & started pushing all the other natural modalities, the original medicine like aromatherapy, herbalism and homeopathy out of the way in any way they can, from ridiculing them in media, to outlawing plants with outstanding healing properties. That’s another story for another time, I could talks your ears off about that, but let’s just leave it for now. Let’s celebrate the fact that we can (still) access essential oils freely and can use them for aromatherapy and healing purposes. There are many many essential oils brand on the market, I personally use Living Libations and Neal’s Yard Remedies (& I am researching into Plant Therapy brand as we speak) as I deem them the most pure. You can use any brand You want, but please please please do the research beforehand to make sure they are using organic plant material free of pesticides and other chemicals and the essential oils are either therapeutic or food grade. If You are a beginner, You might want to know that essential oils are not to be used neat (undiluted) on the skin as they are way too potent and too strong. I would recommend You read a couple of good aromatherapy books to familiarize Yourself with the concept and then You will get more confident. I too made a lot of mistakes in the past, from choosing poor quality essential oils, not caring to do my homework on the brand before first purchase & then wondering why do they not work as good as they claim; to choosing all the wrong oils for me (you can be allergic to any natural ingredient) to using them in too strong concentrations and getting skin reactions/irritations. If You happen to know any good aromatherapist in Your area, connect with them, they will take the guesswork off your shoulders and make products specifically for you. If not, good books are your best bet.
See Book Depository books on essential oils[postage free worldwide] - no more Book Depository, welp!
The Recipe:
You will need:
6 drops of Frankincense EO
6 drops of manuka EO
3 drops of Shield or Thieves or Organic Defence mix
Carrier oil, for example jojoba or fractionated coconut oil
(or any other light oil that absorbs quickly and does not smell too strongly)
I know I am going to get asked what brands I use, so here they are
Living Libations Essential oils - the gold standard to me
Pure Anada Essential Oils
Medicine Flower + Na'vi Organics at Dutch Health Store
iHerb essential oils & aromatherapy page
Love Lula for Soil, Alteya Organic, Balm Balm & Bloomtown EOs
We are going to use 5% dilution, which is 15 drops of total essential oils to 10ml of carrier oil. Do not be tempted to add more, more is not necessary better in this case. Remember, essential oils are very potent concentrations of plants, so this recipe is going to work for you. Reduce the concentration to 2% (6 drops total) for small children. Method could not be simpler – add the essential oils to clean roller bottle, tops up with carrier oil and close the cap. Tada! Could not be simpler than that 🙂
Use on the pulse points and/or soles of your feet if you feel you are going to be sick a few times per day. Or inhale from the bottle, that works just as well. Roller bottle format is so handy to take with You on the go or for travels, I always like to have one around, especially in Sickness Season, also known as winter.
If don’t want to DIY anything, here is an option for You, ViroGuard by the Medicine Flower. It costs 20€ which I deem reasonable for a high quality product, you don’t have to buy separate ingredients and it works just the same as my DIY. Keep the bottle when You are done, just in case You will be inspired.
Budget option – Now Foods Seasonal Defence roll on, costing just a fiver. I have two 🙂

Related - check out my Essential Oils Pinterest board
If You want another post on other ways I use essential oils for health & wellness, do let me know and I will be happy to put that post together for You. *Update, I blogged about it, see it linked at the end of this post.
If I catch the cold in the bud, this, coupled with some other natural remedies like vitamin C, echinacea & maybe manuka honey seems to do the trick, see them all listed in this post below and then some 🙂
Check out my Natural Medicine Cabinet post
And if that fails and I see virus progressing further, I pull out the big guns in a form of OreganolP73, which is extract of wild oregano, natural antibiotic, antiviral, antifungal remedy that amazingly is also one of the most potent natural antioxidants – say what? Yes, really, see this post where I talk more in depth about it. Haven’t had antibiotics for like four years, ever since discovering it 🙂 My worst kept secret if You will 🙂
Lots Of Love,

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