Hi Lovelies,
Welcome back! And welcome if you are new here xoxo
How are all of You, I hope You are great? Today is the day I will share my early summer 2019 favourites in collaboration with the ever fabulous fellow green beauty blogger Laura Bruj. You should go and check her out (I will leave all the links at the end of this post) and you will be glad you did – she is US green beauty blogger who is making waves into the right direction, she focuses on all things plastic free, sustainable, natural and as much waste free as possible, and is not afraid to call out greenwashing brands. You just got to love her for it. But wait, there is more – she is also a Youtuber (again, find the link at the end of this post) and she is so good with make up that she is making me all jel – a green beauty chameleon for sure. You just have to scroll her IG page to see for herself.
Let’s see my current favourites now and go see Laura’s favourites straight after? Done deal 🙂
Summer here in Ireland isn’t spoiling us, with the day temperatures of 14-18C of average and rain every second day, it is hard to not feel down about it – see my last IG post here. So one of my biggest recent faves has to be my recent trip to Rome, Italy. Some of you might remember my mom battled cancer (and won!) about a year and a half ago, so I got this idea in my head to go all out for her birthday this year, and I am so glad about it. Escaping heavy rains into 35C heat was a shock to the system though 🙂
Side note - I am working on that post I promised You about the products I took to Rome. It should be my next post, so keep your eyes peeled :)
What I am about to say will shock most of you – up until now I only owned one pair of leggings – I know, I know, shock horror, isn’t it? After rediscovering how comfy Boody leggings are, I soon wanted more, so when my hubby volunteered to buy me some, I didn’t say no 🙂 I have a review of Boody organic bamboo range on my old blog (see it here) After wearing their long and sleeveless t-shirts ever since 2016 I can attest how comfy and soft they are, the fabric holds up so much better than your regular cotton would. I still have some from three years ago, when I had to replace cotton ones many times. Apart from the longevity and softness, I really love the fact that the bamboo fabric is organic and naturally hypoallergenic, it has antifungal and antibacterial qualities to it, keeping moisture out and letting your body breathing naturally. Seriously, I could go on and on! Check out my review and try for yourself, I am confident that you too will be a bamboo convert 🙂

Tinted face spf products
SPF should be all year round thing, really, but the reason I am listing it as a favourite is because at the moment I am trying quite a few tinted face SPF products, when up until now all I used were regular SPF sunscreens sans the tint. The first one I tried (and still am using) is Alteya Organics Rose Otto Face Sunscreen SPF25* – this one is a pretty good shade match for me, but I find it drying, even with all the good skincare underneath, so I have to mix it with a facial oil or something more moisturizing. The next I have is Coola SPF, but it is not my favourite either because of slightly chemical smell and tad drying my skin as well. I feel if you have normal/ oily skin and/or live in the hot climates, these would be your perfect sunscreens, but as I am dry skinned gal, these are not my best suited products. What I like far more is Evolve Climate Veil Tinted SPF 20*, which I’d just reviewed here, but there’s also a slight issue with it – it is too dark for me, so I have to mix it with Kimberly Sayer Ultra Light SPF30 (un-tinted, talked about here) to take it down a notch. My favourite from the bunch I currently have is W3LL People BioTint SPF30 Moisturizer – fabulous coverage, no burning, no drying, lasts a long time, just perfection! With one teeny tiny con – it is not available in EU!!! Why, W3LL People, why? Do I have to start campaigning to bring you back? A million bear hugs to Laura, who kindly agreed to fast forward it my way!! A true green beauty angel you are xo

My signature lipstick for a couple of years now, see it among the products I love and recommend, as well as part of Favourites post and recently posted as my choice of natural dupe to the Audrey Hepburn signature lipstick (see post here). The formula is great, not drying, long lasting, not bleeding into fine lines, leaving a nice stain as it wears off – I could go on! And it is all natural 🙂 See swatches and me modelling it in that linked post or on my IG.

Flower therapy in form of essences & anointing oils
There are many brands who do them, some are better than the others, so make sure to shop around to see what suits you the best. My choice for the moment is Lotus Wei, I try to have one product or another at all times as I truly feel the benefits, mainly calmer mental state from them – I am such a worrier and a naturally anxious person without them. In the recent months I started giving Inner Peace essence to my child, who’s nearly seven and yet still full of childhood fears of dark, monsters, being alone in the room, etc. I wasn’t sure if it’s working, until on a day five I forgot to add it to her water and she came to us complaining of being fearful and not knowing why she feels this way. Amazing or what? Infinite Love is an instant love of mine, ever since I reviewed them in 2016 here. I have gone through many bottles since, it is lovely in a way that it doubles as a natural perfume – heavenly. If you ever smelled it, you know. If you don’t, you need to know.
I think these are it for my current favourites, there are more things I enjoy on the constant basis, like Bella Aura skincare & Hynt Beauty concealer, but for the fear of sounding like a broken record, I am not including them into this post, I featured them time and time again. Hit up that search button if you want to 🙂 Or click here for the Bella Aura review and here for Hynt Beauty Duet Perfecting Concealer review – I was just kidding 🙂
*Update on why I no longer stand by Bella Aura brand, even though I still think their products are fantastic here, scroll down to the very end.
Now, let’s all check out Laura’s post – I can’t wait to see myself!
LAURA’S Instagram
Lots of love,
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