Hi Lovelies,
Welcome back! And welcome if you are new here xo
Hello hello hello there, how are all of you? Hope this new year is treating you well?
I’ll be honest, this “musings” post is not about green beauty or products, so if this is what you are looking for, you may exit here, no hard feelings, promise! I started this section of my blog to let you guys into my personal life more, or my head if you will – these types of post will be more about what’s going on in my life or my thoughts, but always with intentions to be helpful – no ramblings here, promise! I am extremely grateful for you, my readers and the time you take out of your busy days to read my posts, so the last thing I want is to waste your valuable time!
Now that the Holidays are well and truly over and I am coming out of my social media break – in all honesty I got burnout. How do other bloggers do that? I found myself working at all hours of day and night, from answering emails and DMs, some people demand to know the best cleanser or whatnot at two am, and if I don’t reply within two seconds, I find five follow up DMs telling me how rude I am ignoring them! Hello, how about I was sleeping? Are we becoming so accustomed with everything available 24/7 that we expect people to be on 24/7 too, forgetting they are actual people? Do we actually understand that this “instant-download” life style is not what life actually is and not how the world works? That’s something I need to work on in this year, setting clear boundaries on blog/ work/ family time.
So what’s going on? First and foremost I decided to take a leap and to fix my health, so I signed up for a course of TCM or Traditional Chinese Medicine course of treatments to try to fix lots of things that are wrong with me. I went in with the intention of fixing my rhinitis (permanent sinusitis) and very soon I got answers to the health questions that were bothering me for a while too – as soon as the doctor felt my pulse she asked do I have problems with my lungs (yes) and do I have problems with the weak and painful joints (yes), do I feel tired all the time (yes) and do I have a compromised immune system(yes)? Turns out the dampness that is in to air gets into your body and wreaks havoc on multiple levels – how did I not figured that out? The doctor also said that I live in the wrong climate, somewhere hot and dry would be perfect for my constitution. Yes, I instinctively knew that, and I keep telling to my husband that I’ll move to Spain for my retirement, you know, once your life’s work of raising good children, planting trees etc will be done – I am adamant my retirement years should and will be spent enjoying myself in my house seaside. I left the practice with lots of questions swirling in my head, how do I make sure I do not get in this state in the future? How to stop that damned dampness getting into my body, what foods do I eat to nourish my lungs, and is that enough? Do I run my dehumidifier at all times? Do I have to save a ton of money for a course of treatments for next fall and winter and try to help myself this way? These and more questions are swirling in my head at the moment, if you have any info to help me out, drop me links, that would be appreciated! The doctor also suggested the same treatments for my younger princess for asthma treatment, but I know she’d jump off the table at a first sight of the needle or cup and I’d never be able to bring her back there ever again – what do I do? Only time will tell I think?
I am not the one to make New Year resolutions – I think we are always making our aims too high and setting ourselves for a fail, so why do that? Slow and steady is a better way, once you built up a new habit, you can move on onto the next. Doing a big (too big) list of improving yourself on every possible level, like you know, drop X dress sizes, save X amount of money, start driving or speaking another language by X month, be a better wife/ GF/ daughter/ mother/ sister/ friend, do a dry January while completely overhauling your diet to raw/ vegan/ goodness knows what – does that not sound too unrealistic and too taxing? How about we set ONE DREAM and ONE GOAL for ourselves? Wouldn’t that be much more realistic and achievable?
Now for the random bits:
This is one more reason why I won’t let my daughter have “kids” make up sets – I had to trade some of my own make up when she was gifted one of those nasty sets, but it was well worth it for the peace of my mind. See here.
Study shows kids have energy levels greater than endurance athletes – do you need a study to know that??
Chilling new studies on children’s cancers linked to vaccines + autism what are we doing to ourselves and our kids? How the world got so twisted that these new breed of vaccines are forced on us by law when they were never proven safe in the first place? My heart aches over this!
Kudos to France for banning all pesticides linked to killing bees! I sincerely hope all other countries follow the lead!
That’s all for now, see you here very shortly. Sorry for a bit rambly post – in all honesty winter SAD (or winter depression in other words) has me in a tight grip unfortunately. Plus all these doctors visits are a sure way to get even the cheeriest person down, let alone me. It is fair to say I am only muddling through and counting days until the Spring and Summer. I hope you will bear with me xo
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Lots of Love,

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